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<p>for some special application I'm parsing gpx-files to osm-files,
identical to importing the .gpx into JOSM, convert them to
datalayers and finally export to .osm. <br>
These files are then processed by splitter to .o5m. <br>
I'd like to add a timestamp to the .o5m using "osmconvert
--timestamp" next. <br>
While that normally works for split-files based on OSM data, for
the above files osmconvert allways throws 6 warnings like <br>
<p>osmconvert Warning: wrong sequence at node -324213<br>
osmconvert Warning: next object is node -324214<br>
osmconvert Warning: wrong sequence at node -324214<br>
osmconvert Warning: next object is node -324215<br>
osmconvert Warning: wrong sequence at node -324215<br>
osmconvert Warning: next object is node -324216<br>
<p>I guess, osmconvert is expecting ordered increasing positive IDs
Iirc the decreasing negative IDs are correct here nevertheless,
implemented long ago to indicate dealing with non OSM objects.<br>
mkgmap seems to work perfectly fine on such split-files.</p>
<p>Did I miss any means to avoid these warnings and have the
timestamp added other than converting the IDs to positive?<br>