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# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the default mkgmap style file for converting closed OSM ways
# into Garmin polygons.
# Any line prefaced with # is a comment and will not be applied.
# Each line is a rule, of the generalised format:
#  OSM_tag(s)_to_match  [Garmin_type_code resolution]
# See
# and
# for more information.

addr:housenumber=* {set mkgmap:execute_finalize_rules=true}

leisure=* & sport=* & name=* {set name='${name} (${sport})'}
leisure=* & sport=* & name!=* {add name='${sport}'}

include 'inc/name';

aeroway=airport [0x07 resolution 20]
aeroway=aerodrome [0x07 resolution 20]
aeroway=runway & area=yes {name '${ref}'} [0x0e resolution 20]
(aeroway=taxiway | aeroway=taxilane) & area=yes {name '${ref}'} [0x0e resolution 24]
aeroway=heliport [0x07 resolution 20]
aeroway=helipad [0x0e resolution 22]

amenity=kindergarten [0x0a resolution 22]
amenity=cafe | amenity=fast_food | amenity=restaurant [0x08 resolution 24]
amenity=food_court [0x08 resolution 22]
amenity=college [0x0a resolution 22]
parking=underground | parking=multi-storey [0x06 resolution 22]
amenity=parking | parking=surface [0x05 resolution 22]
amenity=prison [0x04 resolution 22]
amenity=school [0x0a resolution 22]
# amenity=supermarket is superceded by shop=supermarket or landuse=retail
amenity=supermarket [0x08 resolution 22]
amenity=university [0x0a resolution 21]

healthcare=hospital | amenity=hospital | amenity=clinic [0x0b resolution 22]
healthcare=* | amenity=dentist | amenity=doctors | amenity=nursing_home [0x0b resolution 23]

leisure=common [0x1d resolution 21]
leisure=garden [0x20 resolution 21]
leisure=golf_course [0x18 resolution 21]
leisure=ice_rink [0x19 resolution 22]
leisure=nature_reserve [0x16 resolution 19]
leisure=park [0x17 resolution 20]
leisure=pitch [0x19 resolution 21]
leisure=playground [0x17 resolution 22]
leisure=recreation_ground [0x19 resolution 21]
leisure=sports_center | leisure=sports_centre [0x19 resolution 20]
leisure=stadium [0x19 resolution 20]
leisure=track & area=yes [0x19 resolution 21]
leisure=water_park [0x09 resolution 21]

place=village [0x03 resolution 19]
place=suburb [0x02 resolution 19]

shop=* {add name='${shop|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x08 resolution 22]

# squares and plazas
place=square [0x25 resolution 22]
highway=pedestrian & (area=yes | mkgmap:mp_created=true) [0x25 resolution 22]
# following rule also renders a closed way without area attribute as a plaza
highway=pedestrian & area!=no [0x25 resolution 22]

# footways areas are similar, but should be explicity marked as such
highway=footway & area=yes [0x25 resolution 24]

highway=services [0x12 resolution 22]  # service station complex; show as retail
highway=rest_area & area!=no [0x05 resolution 22]  # show as parking lot

historic=* & historic!=no & historic!=yes & boundary!=* {add name='${historic|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x22 resolution 21]

landuse=basin [0x3f resolution 20]
landuse=reservoir | (natural=water & water=reservoir) [0x3f resolution 20]

dock=drydock [0x4c resolution 22]  # might also have natural=water

natural=bay [0x3d resolution 18]
natural=glacier [0x4d resolution 18]
natural=marsh [0x51 resolution 20]
natural=tundra [0x52 resolution 18]
natural=mud [0x51 resolution 20]
natural=beach | natural=sand [0x53 resolution 20]
natural=wetland [0x51 resolution 20]
natural=water & water=canal [0x48 resolution 22]
natural=water & water=lock [0x4c resolution 22 default_name 'Lock']
natural=water & area_size() < 100000 [0x41 resolution 22]  # Small Lake
natural=water [0x3c resolution 18]
natural=waterfall | waterway=waterfall [0x47 resolution 21]
natural=sea {add mkgmap:skipSizeFilter=true; set mkgmap:drawLevel=2} [0x32 resolution 10]

waterway=riverbank [0x46 resolution 20]

# mop up any remaining water areas
waterway=* & waterway!=no & area!=no {add name='${waterway|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x3b resolution 22]

landuse=allotments [0x4e resolution 21]
landuse=cemetery | landuse=cemetary | amenity=grave_yard [0x1a resolution 21]
landuse=commercial [0x0f resolution 19]
landuse=construction [0x0c resolution 21]
landuse=farm [0x26 resolution 22]
landuse=farmland [0x1c resolution 20]
landuse=farmyard [0x26 resolution 22]
landuse=forest | landuse=wood [0x50 resolution 20]
landuse=greenfield [0x1c resolution 20]
landuse=meadow | landuse=grass [0x1c resolution 19]
landuse=military [0x04 resolution 19]
landuse=quarry [0x0c resolution 19]
landuse=recreation_ground [0x19 resolution 19]
# dedicate resolution 24 for building=* instead of related landuse=*
landuse=industrial [0x0c resolution 19-23]
landuse=residential [0x10 resolution 19-23]
landuse=retail [0x12 resolution 20-23]
landuse=village_green [0x15 resolution 20]
landuse=vineyard [0x4e resolution 20]
landuse=orchard [0x4e resolution 20]

military=airfield [0x04 resolution 20]
military=barracks [0x04 resolution 23]
military=danger_area [0x11 resolution 20]
military=range [0x04 resolution 20]

natural=scrub [0x4f resolution 20]
natural=wood [0x50 resolution 20]

# building tag should be last
amenity=* & area!=no & amenity!=grave_yard {add name='${amenity|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x23 resolution 24]
building=* & building!=no [0x13 resolution 24]
tourism=* & area!=no & waterway!=* {add name='${tourism|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x21 resolution 24]

# man_made can be used on areas or lines
man_made=* & area!=no {add name='${man_made|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x24 resolution 24]

# render small named islands
place=island & name=* & area_size() < 1000000 [0x53 resolution 19]
place=islet & name=* [0x53 resolution 20]

# The finalizer section is executed for each element when a rule with an element type matches

# we need address info from buildings for the address search
include 'inc/address';

name=* {name '${name}'}