Subversion Repositories mkgmap


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 * Copyright (C) 2013.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or
 * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;


 * Merges connected roads with identical road relevant tags based on the OSM elements
 * and the GType class.
 * @author WanMil

public class RoadMerger {
        private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RoadMerger.class);

        private static final double MAX_MERGE_ANGLE = 130d;
        /** maps which coord of a way(id) are restricted - they should not be merged */
        private final MultiIdentityHashMap<Coord, Long> restrictions = new MultiIdentityHashMap<>();

        /** maps the start point of a road to its road definition */
        private final MultiIdentityHashMap<Coord, ConvertedWay> startPoints = new MultiIdentityHashMap<>();
        /** maps the end point of a road to its road definition */
        private final MultiIdentityHashMap<Coord, ConvertedWay> endPoints = new MultiIdentityHashMap<>();

         * For these tags two ways need to have an equal value so that their roads can be merged.

        private final static Set<String> mergeTagsEqualValue = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(

         * Checks if two strings are equal ({@code null} supported).
         * @param s1 first string ({@code null} allowed)
         * @param s2 second string ({@code null} allowed)
         * @return {@code true} both strings are equal or both {@code null}; {@code false} both strings are not equal

        private static boolean stringEquals(String s1, String s2) {
                if (s1 == null)
                        return s2 == null;
                return s1.equals(s2);

         * We must not merge roads at via points of restriction relations
         * if the way is referenced in the restriction.
         * @param restrictionRels

        private void workoutRestrictionRelations(List<RestrictionRelation> restrictionRels) {
                for (RestrictionRelation rel : restrictionRels) {
                        Set<Long> restrictionWayIds = rel.getWayIds();
                        for (Coord via: rel.getViaCoords()){
                                HashSet<ConvertedWay> roadAtVia = new HashSet<>();
                                for (ConvertedWay r: roadAtVia){
                                        long wayId = r.getWay().getId();
                                        if (restrictionWayIds.contains(wayId))
                                                restrictions.add(via, wayId);
        private void workoutThroughRoutes(List<Relation> throughRouteRelations) {
                for (Relation relation : throughRouteRelations) {
                        Node node = null;
                        Way w1 = null;
                        Way w2 = null;
                        for (Map.Entry<String, Element> member : relation.getElements()) {
                                if (member.getValue() instanceof Node) {
                                        if (node == null)
                                                node = (Node) member.getValue();
                                                log.warn("Through route relation "
                                                                + relation.toBrowseURL()
                                                                + " has more than 1 node");
                                } else if (member.getValue() instanceof Way) {
                                        Way w = (Way) member.getValue();
                                        if (w1 == null)
                                                w1 = w;
                                        else if (w2 == null)
                                                w2 = w;
                                                log.warn("Through route relation "
                                                                + relation.toBrowseURL()
                                                                + " has more than 2 ways");

                        if (node == null)
                                log.warn("Through route relation " + relation.toBrowseURL()
                                                + " is missing the junction node");

                        if (w1 == null || w2 == null)
                                log.warn("Through route relation "
                                                + relation.toBrowseURL()
                                                + " should reference 2 ways that meet at the junction node");

                        if (node != null && w1 != null && w2 != null) {
                                restrictions.add(node.getLocation(), w1.getId());
                                restrictions.add(node.getLocation(), w2.getId());

        private boolean hasRestriction(Coord c, Way w) {
                if (w.isViaWay())
                        return true;
                List<Long> wayRestrictions = restrictions.get(c);
                return wayRestrictions.contains(w.getId());

         * Merges {@code road2} into {@code road1}. This means that
         * only the way id and the tags of {@code road1} is kept.
         * For the tag it should not matter because all tags used after the
         * RoadMerger are compared to be the same.
         * @param road1 first road (will keep the merged road)
         * @param road2 second road

        private void mergeRoads(ConvertedWay road1, ConvertedWay road2) {
                // Removes the second line,
                // Merges the points in the first one
                List<Coord> points1 = road1.getWay().getPoints();
                List<Coord> points2 = road2.getWay().getPoints();

                Coord mergePoint = points2.get(0);
                Coord endPoint= points2.get(points2.size()-1);
                startPoints.removeMapping(mergePoint, road2);
                endPoints.removeMapping(endPoint, road2);
                endPoints.removeMapping(mergePoint, road1);

                points1.addAll(points2.subList(1, points2.size()));
                endPoints.add(endPoint, road1);
                // merge the POI info
                String wayPOI2 = road2.getWay().getTag(StyledConverter.WAY_POI_NODE_IDS);
                if (wayPOI2 != null){
                        String WayPOI1 = road1.getWay().getTag(StyledConverter.WAY_POI_NODE_IDS);
                        if (wayPOI2.equals(WayPOI1) == false){
                                if (WayPOI1 == null)
                                        WayPOI1 = "";
                                // store combination of both ways. This might contain
                                // duplicates, but that is not a problem.
                                road1.getWay().addTag(StyledConverter.WAY_POI_NODE_IDS, WayPOI1 + wayPOI2);
//              // the mergePoint is now used by one highway less
                // road2 is removed - it must not be part of a restriction
                assert (restrictions.get(endPoint).contains(road2.getWay().getId()) == false);

         * Merge the roads and copy the results to the given lists.
         * @param resultingWays list for the merged (and not mergeable) ways
         * @param resultingGTypes list for the merged (and not mergeable) GTypes

        public List<ConvertedWay>  merge(List<ConvertedWay> convertedWays,
                        List<RestrictionRelation> restrictions,
                        List<Relation> throughRouteRelations) {
                List<ConvertedWay> result = new ArrayList<>();
                List<ConvertedWay> roadsToMerge = new ArrayList<>(convertedWays.size());
                for (int i = 0; i < convertedWays.size(); i++) {
                        ConvertedWay cw = convertedWays.get(i);
                        if (cw.isValid() && cw.isRoad())

                int noRoadsBeforeMerge = roadsToMerge.size();
                int noMerges = 0;
                List<Coord> mergePoints = new ArrayList<>();

                // first add all roads with their start and end points to the
                // start/endpoint lists
                for (ConvertedWay road : roadsToMerge) {
                        List<Coord> points = road.getWay().getPoints();
                        Coord start = points.get(0);
                        Coord end = points.get(points.size() - 1);

                        if (start == end) {
                                // do not merge closed roads

                        startPoints.add(start, road);
                        endPoints.add(end, road);

                // a set of all points where no more merging is possible
                Set<Coord> mergeCompletedPoints = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<Coord, Boolean>());
                // go through all start/end points and check if a merge is possible
                for (Coord mergePoint : mergePoints) {
                        if (mergeCompletedPoints.contains(mergePoint)) {
                                // a previous run did not show any possible merge
                                // do not check again
                        // get all road that start with the merge point
                        List<ConvertedWay> startRoads = startPoints.get(mergePoint);
                        // get all roads that end with the merge point
                        List<ConvertedWay> endRoads = endPoints.get(mergePoint);
                        if (endRoads.isEmpty() || startRoads.isEmpty()) {
                                // this might happen if another merge operation changed endPoints and/or startPoints
                        // go through all combinations and test which combination is the best
                        double bestAngle = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                        ConvertedWay mergeRoad1 = null;
                        ConvertedWay mergeRoad2 = null;
                        for (ConvertedWay road1 : endRoads) {
                                // check if the road has a restriction at the merge point
                                // which does not allow us to merge the road at this point
                                if (hasRestriction(mergePoint, road1.getWay())) {
                                List<Coord> points1 = road1.getWay().getPoints();
                                // go through all candidates to merge
                                for (ConvertedWay road2 : startRoads) {
                                        if (hasRestriction(mergePoint, road2.getWay())) {
                                        List<Coord> points2 = road2.getWay().getPoints();
                                        // the second road is merged into the first road
                                        // so only the id of the first road is kept
                                        // This also means that the second road must not have a restriction on
                                        // both start and end point
                                        if (hasRestriction(points2.get(points2.size()-1), road2.getWay())) {
                                        // check if both roads can be merged
                                        if (isMergeable(mergePoint, road1, road2)){
                                                // yes they might be merged
                                                // calculate the angle between them
                                                // if there is more then one road to merge the one with the lowest angle is merged
                                                double angle = Math.abs(Utils.getAngle(points1.get(points1.size()-2), mergePoint, points2.get(1)));
                                                log.debug("Road",road1.getWay().getId(),"and road",road2.getWay().getId(),"are mergeable with angle",angle);
                                                if (angle < bestAngle) {
                                                        mergeRoad1 = road1;
                                                        mergeRoad2 = road2;
                                                        bestAngle = angle;
                        // is there a pair of roads that can be merged?
                        if (mergeRoad1 != null && mergeRoad2 != null) {
                                // yes!! => merge them
                                log.debug("Merge",mergeRoad1.getWay().getId(),"and",mergeRoad2.getWay().getId(),"with angle",bestAngle);
                                mergeRoads(mergeRoad1, mergeRoad2);
                        } else {
                                // no => do not check again this point again

                // copy all merged roads to the roads list
                for (List<ConvertedWay> mergedRoads : endPoints.values()) {

                // sort the roads to ensure that the order of roads is constant for two runs
                Collections.sort(result, new Comparator<ConvertedWay>() {
                        public int compare(ConvertedWay o1, ConvertedWay o2) {
                                return, o2.getIndex());
                // print out some statistics
                int noRoadsAfterMerge = result.size();
      "Roads before/after merge:", noRoadsBeforeMerge, "/",
                int percentage = (int) Math.round((noRoadsBeforeMerge - noRoadsAfterMerge) * 100.0d
                                                / noRoadsBeforeMerge);
      "Road network reduced by", percentage, "%",noMerges,"merges");
                return result;

         * Checks if the given {@code otherRoad} can be merged with this road at
         * the given {@code mergePoint}.
         * @param mergePoint the coord where this road and otherRoad might be merged
         * @param road1 1st road instance
         * @param road2 2nd road instance
         * @return {@code true} road1 can be merged with {@code road2};
         *      {@code false} the roads cannot be merged at {@code mergePoint}

        private static boolean isMergeable(Coord mergePoint, ConvertedWay road1, ConvertedWay road2) {
                // check if basic road attributes match
                if (road1.getRoadClass() != road2.getRoadClass())
                        return false;
                if (road1.getRoadSpeed() != road2.getRoadSpeed())
                        return false;
                Way way1 = road1.getWay();
                Way way2 = road2.getWay();

                if (road1.getAccess() != road2.getAccess()) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                reportFirstDifferentTag(way1, way2, road1.getAccess(),
                                                road2.getAccess(), AccessTagsAndBits.ACCESS_TAGS);
                        return false;
                if (road1.getRouteFlags() != road2.getRouteFlags()) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                reportFirstDifferentTag(way1, way2, road1.getRouteFlags(),
                                                road2.getRouteFlags(), AccessTagsAndBits.ROUTE_TAGS);
                        return false;

                // now check if this road starts or stops at the mergePoint
                Coord cStart = road1.getWay().getPoints().get(0);
                Coord cEnd = road1.getWay().getPoints().get(road1.getWay().getPoints().size() - 1);
                if (cStart != mergePoint && cEnd != mergePoint) {
                        // it doesn't => roads not mergeable at mergePoint
                        return false;

                // do the same check for the otherRoad
                Coord cOtherStart = way2.getPoints().get(0);
                Coord cOtherEnd = way2.getPoints()
                                .get(way2.getPoints().size() - 1);
                if (cOtherStart != mergePoint && cOtherEnd != mergePoint) {
                        // otherRoad does not start or stop at mergePoint =>
                        // roads not mergeable at mergePoint
                        return false;

                // check if merging would create a closed way - which should not
                // be done (why? WanMil)
                if (cStart == cOtherEnd) {
                        return false;

                // check if certain fields in the GType objects are the same
                if (isGTypeMergeable(road1.getGType(), road2.getGType()) == false) {
                        return false;

                if (road1.isOneway()){
                        assert road2.isOneway();
                        // oneway must not only be checked for equality
                        // but also for correct direction of both ways
                        if ((cStart == mergePoint) == (cOtherStart == mergePoint)) {
                                // both ways are oneway but they have a different direction
                                log.warn("oneway with different direction", way1.getId(),way2.getId());
                                return false;
                // checks if the tag values of both ways match so that the ways
                // can be merged
                if (isWayMergeable(mergePoint, way1, way2) == false)
                        return false;

                // check if the angle between the two ways is not too sharp
                if (isAngleOK(mergePoint, way1, way2) == false)
                        return false;

                return true;

         * For logging purposes. Print first tag with different meaning.
         * @param way1 1st way
         * @param way2 2nd way
         * @param flags1 the bit mask for 1st way
         * @param flags2 the bit mask for 2nd way
         * @param tagMaskMap the map that explains the meaning of the bit masks

        private static void reportFirstDifferentTag(Way way1, Way way2, byte flags1,
                        byte flags2, Map<String, Byte> tagMaskMap) {
                for (Entry<String, Byte> entry : tagMaskMap.entrySet()){
                        byte mask = entry.getValue();
                        if ((flags1 & mask) != (flags2 & mask)){
                                String tagKey = entry.getKey();
                                log.debug(entry.getKey(), "does not match", way1.getId(), "("
                                                + way1.getTag(tagKey) + ")",
                                                way2.getId(), "(" + way2.getTag(tagKey) + ")");
                                return; // report only first mismatch

         * Checks if two GType objects can be merged. Not all fields are compared.
         * @param type1 the 1st GType
         * @param type2 the 2nd GType
         * @return {@code true} both GType objects can be merged; {@code false} GType
         *   objects do not match and must not be merged

        private static boolean isGTypeMergeable(GType type1, GType type2) {
                if (type1.getType() != type2.getType()) {
                        return false;
                if (type1.getMinResolution() != type2.getMinResolution()) {
                        return false;
                if (type1.getMaxResolution() != type2.getMaxResolution()) {
                        return false;
                if (type1.getMinLevel() != type2.getMinLevel()) {
                        return false;
                if (type1.getMaxLevel() != type2.getMaxLevel()) {
                        return false;
                // roadClass and roadSpeed are taken from the ConvertedWay objects
                //default name is applied before the RoadMerger starts
                //so they needn't be equal
                //              if (stringEquals(gtype.getDefaultName(),
                //                              otherGType.getDefaultName()) == false) {
                //                      return false;
                //              }

                return true;

         * Checks if the tag values of the {@link Way} objects of both roads
         * match so that both roads can be merged.
         * @param mergePoint the coord where both roads should be merged
         * @param way1 1st way
         * @param way2 2nd way
         * @return {@code true} tag values match so that both roads might be merged;
         *  {@code false} tag values differ so that road must not be merged

        private static boolean isWayMergeable(Coord mergePoint, Way way1, Way way2) {
                // tags that need to have an equal value
                for (String tagname : mergeTagsEqualValue) {
                        String tag1 = way1.getTag(tagname);
                        String tag2 = way2.getTag(tagname);
                        if (stringEquals(tag1, tag2) == false) {
                                if (log.isDebugEnabled()){
                                        log.debug(tagname, "does not match", way1.getId(), "("
                                                        + tag1 + ")", way2.getId(), "(" + tag2
                                                        + ")");
                                return false;
                return true;

         * Checks if the angle between the two {@link Way} objects of both roads
         * is not too sharp so that both roads can be merged.
         * @param mergePoint the coord where both roads should be merged
         * @param way1 1st way
         * @param way2 2nd way
         * @return {@code true} angle is okay, roads might be merged;
         *  {@code false} angle is so sharp that roads must not be merged

        private static boolean isAngleOK(Coord mergePoint, Way way1, Way way2) {
                // Check the angle of the two ways
                Coord cOnWay1;
                if (way1.getPoints().get(0) == mergePoint) {
                        cOnWay1 = way1.getPoints().get(1);
                } else {
                        cOnWay1 = way1.getPoints().get(way1.getPoints().size() - 2);
                Coord cOnWay2;
                if (way2.getPoints().get(0) == mergePoint) {
                        cOnWay2 = way2.getPoints().get(1);
                } else {
                        cOnWay2 = way2.getPoints().get(
                                        way2.getPoints().size() - 2);

                double angle = Math.abs(Utils.getAngle(cOnWay1, mergePoint, cOnWay2));
                if (angle > MAX_MERGE_ANGLE) {
                        // The angle exceeds the limit => do not merge
                        // Don't know if this is really required or not.
                        // But the number of merges which do not succeed due to this
                        // restriction is quite low and there have been requests
                        // for this:

              "Do not merge ways",way1.getId(),"and",way2.getId(),"because they span a too big angle",angle,"°");
                        return false;

                return true;