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 * Copyright (C) 2007 Steve Ratcliffe
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 * Author: Steve Ratcliffe
 * Create date: 21-Jan-2007

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap;

 * A sub area of the map.  We have to divide the map up into areas to meet the
 * format of the Garmin map.  This class holds all the map elements that belong
 * to a particular area and provides a way of splitting areas into smaller ones.
 * It also acts as a map data source so that we can derive lower level
 * areas from it.
 * @author Steve Ratcliffe
public class MapArea implements MapDataSource {
        private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MapArea.class);

        private static final int MAX_RESOLUTION = 24;
        private static final int LARGE_OBJECT_DIM = 8192;
        public static final int POINT_KIND    = 0;
        public static final int LINE_KIND     = 1;
        public static final int SHAPE_KIND    = 2;
        public static final int XT_POINT_KIND = 3;
        public static final int XT_LINE_KIND  = 4;
        public static final int XT_SHAPE_KIND = 5;
        public static final int NUM_KINDS     = 6;

        // This is the initial area.
        private Area bounds;

        // Because ways may extend beyond the bounds, we keep track of the actual
        // bounding box here.
        private int minLat = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        private int minLon = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        private int maxLat = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        private int maxLon = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        // The contents of the area.
        private final List<MapPoint> points = new ArrayList<>();
        private final List<MapLine> lines = new ArrayList<>();
        private final List<MapShape> shapes = new ArrayList<>();

        // amount of space required for the contents
        private final int[] sizes = new int[NUM_KINDS];

        private int nActivePoints;
        private int nActiveIndPoints;
        private int nActiveLines;
        private int nActiveShapes;

        /** The resolution that this area is at */
        private int areaResolution;
        private final boolean splitPolygonsIntoArea;
        private int splittableCount;

        private Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<Coord> areasHashMap;

         * Create a map area from the given map data source.  This map
         * area will have the same bounds as the map data source and
         * will contain all the same map elements.
         * @param src The map data source to initialise this area with.
         * @param resolution The resolution of this area.
         * @param splitPolygonsIntoArea aligns subareas as powerOf2 and splits polygons into the subareas.
        public MapArea(MapDataSource src, int resolution, boolean splitPolygonsIntoArea) {
                this.areaResolution = 0; // don't want addSize() to gather information for this MapArea
                this.bounds = src.getBounds();
                this.splitPolygonsIntoArea = splitPolygonsIntoArea;
                for (MapPoint p : src.getPoints()) {
                        if (p.getMaxResolution() < resolution)
                                log.error("Point with type 0x" + Integer.toHexString(p.getType()) + " at " + p.getLocation().toOSMURL() +
                                          " is outside of the map area centred on " + bounds.getCenter().toOSMURL() +
                                          " width = " + bounds.getWidth() + " height = " + bounds.getHeight() + " resolution = " + areaResolution);
                addLines(src, resolution);
                addPolygons(src, resolution);
                this.areaResolution = resolution;

         * Add the polygons
         * @param src The map data.
         * @param resolution The current resolution of the layer.
        private void addPolygons(MapDataSource src, final int resolution) {
                for (MapShape s : src.getShapes()) {
                        if (s.getMaxResolution() < resolution)

         * Add the lines, making sure that they are not too big for resolution
         * that we are working with.
         * @param src The map data.
         * @param resolution The current resolution of the layer.
        private void addLines(MapDataSource src, final int resolution) {
                // Split lines for size, such that it is appropriate for the
                // resolution that it is at.
                MapFilterChain chain = element -> addLine((MapLine) element);

                LineSizeSplitterFilter filter = new LineSizeSplitterFilter();
                FilterConfig config = new FilterConfig();
                for (MapLine l : src.getLines()) {
                        if (l.getMaxResolution() < resolution)
// %%% ??? if not appearing at this level no need to filter
                        filter.doFilter(l, chain);

         * Create an map area with the given initial bounds.
         * @param area The bounds for this area.
         * @param resolution The minimum resolution for this area.
         * @param splitPolygonsIntoArea splits polygons into the subareas.
        private MapArea(Area area, int resolution, boolean splitPolygonsIntoArea) {
                bounds = area;
                areaResolution = resolution;
                this.splitPolygonsIntoArea = splitPolygonsIntoArea;

         * Split this area into several pieces. All the map elements are reallocated
         * to the appropriate subarea.  Usually this instance would now be thrown
         * away and the new sub areas used instead.
         * <p>
         * This code is dealing with a lot of factors that govern the splitting, eg:
         *  splitPolygonsIntoArea,
         *  tooSmallToDivide,
         *  item.minResolution vs. areaResolution,
         *  number/size of items and the limits of a subDivision,
         *  items that exceed maximum subDivision on their own,
         *  items that extend up to 50% outside the current area,
         *  items bigger than this.
         * @param nx The number of pieces in the x (longitude) direction.
         * @param ny The number of pieces in the y direction.
         * @param bounds the bounding box that is used to create the areas.
         * @param tooSmallToDivide the area is small and data overflows; split into overflow areas
         * @return An array of the new MapArea's or null if can't split.
        public MapArea[] split(int nx, int ny, Area bounds, boolean tooSmallToDivide) {
                int resolutionShift = MAX_RESOLUTION - areaResolution;
                Area[] areas = bounds.split(nx, ny, resolutionShift);
                if (areas == null) { //  Failed to split!
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // see what is here
                                for (MapLine e : this.lines)
                                        if (e.getMinResolution() <= areaResolution)
                                                log.debug("line. locn=", e.getPoints().get(0).toOSMURL(),
                                                         " type=",,
                                                         " name=", e.getName(), "min=", e.getMinResolution(), "max=", e.getMaxResolution());
                                for (MapShape e : this.shapes)
                                        if (e.getMinResolution() <= areaResolution)
                                                log.debug("shape. locn=", e.getPoints().get(0).toOSMURL(),
                                                         " type=",,
                                                         " name=", e.getName(), "min=", e.getMinResolution(), "max=", e.getMaxResolution(),
                                                         " full=", e.getFullArea(),
                                                         " calc=",;
                                // the main culprits are lots of bits of sea and coastline in an overview map (res 12)
                        return null;

                MapArea[] mapAreas = new MapArea[nx * ny];
      "Splitting area " + bounds + " into " + nx + "x" + ny + " pieces at resolution " + areaResolution, tooSmallToDivide);
                List<MapArea> addedAreas = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i = 0; i < mapAreas.length; i++) {
                        mapAreas[i] = new MapArea(areas[i], areaResolution, splitPolygonsIntoArea);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                log.debug("area before", mapAreas[i].getBounds());

                int xbaseHp = areas[0].getMinLong() << Coord.DELTA_SHIFT;
                int ybaseHp = areas[0].getMinLat() << Coord.DELTA_SHIFT;
                int dxHp = areas[0].getWidth() << Coord.DELTA_SHIFT;
                int dyHp = areas[0].getHeight() << Coord.DELTA_SHIFT;

                // Some of the work done by PolygonSubdivSizeSplitterFilter now done here
                final int maxSize = Math.min((1<<24)-1, Math.max(MapSplitter.MAX_DIVISION_SIZE << (MAX_RESOLUTION - areaResolution), 0x8000));

                 * These constants control when an item (shape unless splitPolygonsIntoArea or line) is shifted into its own MapArea/SubDivision.
                 * Generally, an item is allowed into the MapArea chosen by centre provided it is no bigger than the MapArea.
                 * This means that there could be big items near the edges of the MapArea that stick out by almost half, so must
                 * ensure that this doesn't cause the mapArea to exceed subDivision size limits.
                 * When the MapArea get small, we don't want to shift lots if items into their own areas;
                 * The *2 of LARGE_OBJECT_DIM is to keep to the same behaviour as earlier versions.
                final int maxWidth = Math.max(Math.min(areas[0].getWidth(), maxSize/2), LARGE_OBJECT_DIM*2);
                final int maxHeight = Math.max(Math.min(areas[0].getHeight(), maxSize/2), LARGE_OBJECT_DIM*2);

                // Now sprinkle each map element into the correct map area.

                // do shapes first because want these to define the primary area
                // and don't have a good tooSmallToDivide strategy when not splitPolygonsIntoArea.
                if (tooSmallToDivide) {
                        distShapesIntoNewAreas(addedAreas, mapAreas[0]);
                } else {
                        for (MapShape e : this.shapes) {
                                Area shapeBounds = e.getBounds();
                                if (splitPolygonsIntoArea || shapeBounds.getMaxDimension() > maxSize) {
                                        splitIntoAreas(mapAreas, e);
                                int areaIndex = pickArea(mapAreas, e, xbaseHp, ybaseHp, nx, ny, dxHp, dyHp);
                                if (areas[areaIndex].contains(shapeBounds)) {
                                } else if (shapeBounds.getHeight() <= maxHeight && shapeBounds.getWidth() <= maxWidth) {
                                        // this polygon is partially outside the subdivision, but won't exceed the allowable offsets
                                } else {
                                        MapArea largeObjectArea = new MapArea(shapeBounds, areaResolution, true); // use splitIntoAreas to deal with overflow

                if (tooSmallToDivide) {
                        distPointsIntoNewAreas(addedAreas, mapAreas[0]);
                } else {
                        for (MapPoint p : this.points) {
                                int areaIndex = pickArea(mapAreas, p, xbaseHp, ybaseHp, nx, ny, dxHp, dyHp);

                if (tooSmallToDivide) {
                        distLinesIntoNewAreas(addedAreas, mapAreas[0]);
                } else {
                        for (MapLine l : this.lines) {
                                // Drop any zero sized lines.
                                if (!(l instanceof MapRoad) && l.getRect().height <= 0 && l.getRect().width <= 0)
                                Area lineBounds = l.getBounds();
                                int areaIndex = pickArea(mapAreas, l, xbaseHp, ybaseHp, nx, ny, dxHp, dyHp);
                                if ((lineBounds.getHeight() > maxHeight || lineBounds.getWidth() > maxWidth) &&
                                    !areas[areaIndex].contains(lineBounds)) {
                                        MapArea largeObjectArea = new MapArea(lineBounds, areaResolution, false);

                if (!addedAreas.isEmpty()) {
                        // combine list and array
                        int pos = mapAreas.length;
                        mapAreas = Arrays.copyOf(mapAreas, mapAreas.length + addedAreas.size());
                        for (MapArea ma : addedAreas) {
                                if (ma.getBounds() == null) // distShapesIntoNewAreas etc didn't know how big it was going to be
                                        ma.setBounds(ma.getFullBounds()); // so set to bounds of all elements
                                mapAreas[pos++] = ma;
                return mapAreas;

        private void distPointsIntoNewAreas(List<MapArea> addedAreas, MapArea primaryArea) {
                MapArea extraArea = primaryArea;
                for (MapPoint p : this.points)
                        if (p.getMinResolution() > areaResolution) // doesn't add to subDivision
                        else {
                                if (!extraArea.canAddSize(p, POINT_KIND)) {
                                        extraArea = new MapArea((Area)null, areaResolution, false);

        private void distLinesIntoNewAreas(List<MapArea> addedAreas, MapArea primaryArea) {
                MapArea extraArea = primaryArea;
                for (MapLine l : this.lines)
                        if (l.getMinResolution() > areaResolution) // doesn't add to subDivision
                        else {
                                if (!extraArea.canAddSize(l, LINE_KIND)) {
                                        extraArea = new MapArea((Area)null, areaResolution, false);

        private void distShapesIntoNewAreas(List<MapArea> addedAreas, MapArea primaryArea) {
                MapArea extraArea = primaryArea;
                for (MapShape e : this.shapes)
                        if (e.getMinResolution() > areaResolution) // doesn't add to subDivision
                        else {
                                if (!extraArea.canAddSize(e, SHAPE_KIND)) {
                                        extraArea = new MapArea((Area)null, areaResolution, true); // use splitIntoAreas to deal with overflow

         * Get the full bounds of this area.  As lines and polylines are
         * added then may go outside of the initial area.  When this happens
         * we need to increase the size of the area.
         * @return The full size required to hold all the included
         * elements.
        public Area getFullBounds() {
                return new Area(minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon);

         * Get an estimate of the size of the RGN space that will be required to
         * hold the elements
         * @return Estimates of the max size that will be needed in the RGN file
         * for the points/lines/shapes in this sub-division.
        public int[] getEstimatedSizes() {
                return sizes;

         * Get the initial bounds of this area.  That is the initial
         * bounds before anything was added.
         * @return The initial bounds as when it was created.
         * @see #getFullBounds
        public Area getBounds() {
                return bounds;

         * override the initial bounds of this area.
        public void setBounds(Area actualBounds) {
                this.bounds = actualBounds;

         * Get a list of all the points.
         * @return The points.
        public List<MapPoint> getPoints() {
                return points;

         * Get a list of all the lines.
         * @return The lines.
        public List<MapLine> getLines() {
                return lines;

         * Get a list of all the shapes.
         * @return The shapes.
        public List<MapShape> getShapes() {
                return shapes;

        public RoadNetwork getRoadNetwork() {
                // I don't think this is needed here.
                return null;

         * This is not used for areas.
         * @return Always returns null.
        public List<Overview> getOverviews() {
                return null;

         * True if there are any 'active' points in this area.  Ie ones that will be
         * shown because their resolution is at least as high as that of the
         * area.
         * @return True if any active points in this area.
        public boolean hasPoints() {
                return nActivePoints > 0;

         * True if there are active indexed points in the area.
         * @return True if any active indexed points in the area.
        public boolean hasIndPoints() {
                return nActiveIndPoints > 0;

         * True if there are any 'active' points in this area.  Ie ones that will be
         * shown because their resolution is at least as high as that of the
         * area.
         * @return True if any active points in this area.
        public boolean hasLines() {
                return nActiveLines > 0;

         * Return number of lines in this area.
        public int getNumLines() {
                return nActiveLines;

         * Return number of shapes in this area.
        public int getNumShapes() {
                return nActiveShapes;

         * Return number of points in this area.
        public int getNumPoints() {
                return nActivePoints + nActiveIndPoints;

         * True if there are any 'active' points in this area.  Ie ones that will be
         * shown because their resolution is at least as high as that of the
         * area.
         * @return True if any active points in this area.
        public boolean hasShapes() {
                return nActiveShapes > 0;

         * Can this area be split (in a way that reduces subDivision content)?
         * If more than one item (point/line/shape) to be shown at this resolution then yes.
         * Must use count of items rather than the sum of numElements that addSize() estimates
         * because these are generated by later filters after the contents of the subDivision
         * has been set.
         * A single shape is considered splittable because it will end up in a splitPolygonsIntoArea
         * area and this can then be divided down to <= MIN_DIMENSION(=10) pixel rectangle;
         * so, if, somehow, the shape passed through every pixel that would be 100 points, well
        public boolean canSplit() {
                return splittableCount > 1;

         * Add an estimate of the size that will be required to hold this element
         * if it should be displayed at the given resolution.  We also keep track
         * of the number of <i>active</i> elements here ie elements that will be
         * shown because they are at a resolution at least as great as the resolution
         * of the area.
         * @param el The element containing the minimum resolution that it will be
         * displayed at.
         * @param kind What kind of element this is KIND_POINT etc.
        private void addSize(MapElement el, int kind) {

                final int res = el.getMinResolution();
                if (res > areaResolution || res > MAX_RESOLUTION)

                final int numPoints;
                final int numElements;

                switch (kind) {
                case POINT_KIND:
                case XT_POINT_KIND:
                        // Points are predictably less than 10 bytes.
                        sizes[kind] += 9;
                        if(!el.hasExtendedType()) {
                                if(((MapPoint) el).isCity())

                case LINE_KIND:
                case XT_LINE_KIND:
                        // Estimate the size taken by lines and shapes as a constant plus
                        // a factor based on the number of points.
                        numPoints = PredictFilterPoints.predictedMaxNumPoints(((MapLine) el).getPoints(), areaResolution,
                                // assume MapBuilder.doRoads is true. subDiv.getZoom().getLevel() == 0 is maximum resolution
                                ((MapLine) el).isRoad() && areaResolution == MAX_RESOLUTION);
                        if (numPoints <= 1 && !((MapLine) el).isRoad())
                        numElements = 1 + ((numPoints - 1) / LineSplitterFilter.MAX_POINTS_IN_LINE);
                        sizes[kind] += numElements * 11 + numPoints * 4; // very pessimistic, typically less than 2 bytes are needed for one point
                        if (!el.hasExtendedType())
                                nActiveLines += numElements;

                case SHAPE_KIND:
                case XT_SHAPE_KIND:
                        ++splittableCount; // see canSplit() above
                        // Estimate the size taken by lines and shapes as a constant plus
                        // a factor based on the number of points.
                        numPoints = PredictFilterPoints.predictedMaxNumPoints(((MapShape) el).getPoints(), areaResolution, false);
                        if (numPoints <= 3)
                        numElements = 1 + ((numPoints - 1) / PolygonSplitterFilter.MAX_POINT_IN_ELEMENT);
                        sizes[kind] += numElements * 11 + numPoints * 4; // very pessimistic, typically less than 2 bytes are needed for one point
                        if (!el.hasExtendedType())
                                nActiveShapes += numElements;

                        log.error("should not be here");
                        assert false;


         * Will element fit nicely?
         * Limit to WANTED_MAX_AREA_SIZE which is smaller than MAX_XT_xxx_SIZE
         * so don't need to check down to the last detail
         * @param el The element. Assume want to display it at this resolution
         * @param kind What kind of element this is: KIND_POINT/LINE/SHAPE.
        private boolean canAddSize(MapElement el, int kind) {

                final int numPoints;
                final int numElements;
                int sumSize = 0;
                for (int s : sizes)
                        sumSize += s;

                switch (kind) {
                case POINT_KIND:
                        if (getNumPoints() >= MapSplitter.MAX_NUM_POINTS)
                                return false;
                        // Points are predictably less than 10 bytes.
                        if ((sumSize + 9) > MapSplitter.WANTED_MAX_AREA_SIZE)
                                return false;

                case LINE_KIND:
                        // Estimate the size taken by lines and shapes as a constant plus
                        // a factor based on the number of points.
                        numPoints = PredictFilterPoints.predictedMaxNumPoints(((MapLine) el).getPoints(), areaResolution,
                                // assume MapBuilder.doRoads is true. subDiv.getZoom().getLevel() == 0 is maximum resolution
                                ((MapLine) el).isRoad() && areaResolution == MAX_RESOLUTION);
                        if (numPoints <= 1 && !((MapLine) el).isRoad())
                        numElements = 1 + ((numPoints - 1) / LineSplitterFilter.MAX_POINTS_IN_LINE);
                        if (getNumLines() + numElements > MapSplitter.MAX_NUM_LINES)
                                return false;
                        // very pessimistic, typically less than 2 bytes are needed for one point
                        if ((sumSize + numElements * 11 + numPoints * 4) > MapSplitter.WANTED_MAX_AREA_SIZE)
                                return false;

                case SHAPE_KIND:
                        // Estimate the size taken by lines and shapes as a constant plus
                        // a factor based on the number of points.
                        numPoints = PredictFilterPoints.predictedMaxNumPoints(((MapShape) el).getPoints(), areaResolution, false);
                        if (numPoints <= 3)
                        numElements = 1 + ((numPoints - 1) / PolygonSplitterFilter.MAX_POINT_IN_ELEMENT);
                        // very pessimistic, typically less than 2 bytes are needed for one point
                        if ((sumSize + numElements * 11 + numPoints * 4) > MapSplitter.WANTED_MAX_AREA_SIZE)
                                return false;

                return true;

         * Add a single point to this area.
         * @param p The point to add.
        private void addPoint(MapPoint p) {
                addSize(p, p.hasExtendedType()? XT_POINT_KIND : POINT_KIND);

         * Add a single line to this area.
         * @param l The line to add.
        private void addLine(MapLine l) {
                addSize(l, l.hasExtendedType()? XT_LINE_KIND : LINE_KIND);

         * Add a single shape to this map area.
         * @param s The shape to add.
        private void addShape(MapShape s) {
                addSize(s, s.hasExtendedType()? XT_SHAPE_KIND : SHAPE_KIND);

         * Add to the bounds of this area.  That is the new bounds
         * for this area will cover the existing ones plus the new
         * area.
         * @param a Area to add into this map area.
        private void addToBounds(Area a) {
                int l = a.getMinLat();
                if (l < minLat)
                        minLat = l;
                l = a.getMaxLat();
                if (l > maxLat)
                        maxLat = l;

                l = a.getMinLong();
                if (l < minLon)
                        minLon = l;
                l = a.getMaxLong();
                if (l > maxLon)
                        maxLon = l;

         * Add to bounds considering high precision values. 
         * @param co
        private void addToBounds(Coord co) {
                int latHp = co.getHighPrecLat();
                int latLower  = latHp >> Coord.DELTA_SHIFT;
                int latUpper  = (latLower << Coord.DELTA_SHIFT) < latHp ? latLower + 1 : latLower;
                if (latLower < minLat)
                        minLat = latLower;
                if (latUpper > maxLat)
                        maxLat = latUpper;
                int lonHp = co.getHighPrecLon();
                int lonLeft = lonHp >> Coord.DELTA_SHIFT;
                int lonRight = (lonLeft << Coord.DELTA_SHIFT) < lonHp ? lonLeft + 1 : lonLeft;
                if (lonLeft < minLon)
                        minLon = lonLeft;
                if (lonRight > maxLon)
                        maxLon = lonRight;

         * Out of all the available areas, it picks the one that the map element
         * should be placed into.
         * Since we know how the area is divided (equal sizes) we can work out
         * which one it fits into without stepping through them all and checking
         * coordinates.
         * @param areas The available areas to choose from.
         * @param e The map element.
         * @param xbaseHp The high-precision x coord at the origin
         * @param ybaseHp The high-precision y coord of the origin
         * @param nx number of divisions.
         * @param ny number of divisions in y.
         * @param dxHp The size of each division (x direction)
         * @param dyHp The size of each division (y direction)
         * @return The index to areas where the map element fits.
        private static int pickArea(MapArea[] areas, MapElement e,
                        int xbaseHp, int ybaseHp,
                        int nx, int ny,
                        int dxHp, int dyHp)
                int x = e.getLocation().getHighPrecLon();
                int y = e.getLocation().getHighPrecLat();
                int xcell = (x - xbaseHp) / dxHp;
                int ycell = (y - ybaseHp) / dyHp;

                if (xcell < 0) {
              "xcell was", xcell, "x", x, "xbase", xbaseHp);
                        xcell = 0;
                if (ycell < 0) {
              "ycell was", ycell, "y", y, "ybase", ybaseHp);
                        ycell = 0;
                if (xcell >= nx)
                        xcell = nx - 1;
                if (ycell >= ny)
                        ycell = ny - 1;

                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("adding", e.getLocation(), "to", xcell, "/", ycell,
                                        areas[xcell * ny + ycell].getBounds());
                return xcell * ny + ycell;

         * Spit the polygon into areas
         * @param areas The available areas to choose from.
         * @param e The map element.
         * @param used flag vector to say area has been added to.
        private void splitIntoAreas(MapArea[] areas, MapShape e)
                if (areas.length == 1) { // this happens quite a lot
                // quick check if bbox of shape lies fully inside one of the areas
                Area shapeBounds = e.getBounds();

                // this is worked out at standard precision, along with Area.contains() and so can get
                // tricky problems as it might not really be fully within the area.
                // so: pretend the shape is a touch bigger. Will get the optimisation most of the time
                // and in the boundary cases will fall into the precise code.
                int xtra = 2;
                // However, if the shape is significantly larger than the error margin (ie most of it
                // should be in this area) I don't see any problem in letting it expand a little bit out
                // of the area.
                // This avoids very small polygons being left in the adjacent areas, which ShapeMergeFilter
                // notices with an debug message and then output filters probably chuck away.
                if (Math.min(shapeBounds.getWidth(), shapeBounds.getHeight()) > 8)
                        xtra = -2; // pretend shape is smaller

                shapeBounds = new Area(shapeBounds.getMinLat()-xtra,
                for (int areaIndex = 0; areaIndex < areas.length; ++areaIndex) {
                        if (areas[areaIndex].getBounds().contains(shapeBounds)) {

                // Shape crosses area(s), we have to split it

                if (areasHashMap == null)
                        areasHashMap = new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();

                int stepLat = 0;
                if (areas[0].getBounds().getMaxLat() == areas[1].getBounds().getMinLat())
                        stepLat = 1;
                else if (areas[0].getBounds().getMaxLong() == areas[1].getBounds().getMinLong())
                        stepLat = areas.length; // assume single row
                        log.error("SplitIntoAreas expects shared edge between the subDivs");
                if (stepLat != 0) {
                        int dimLat = stepLat == 1 ? areas.length : 1;  // preset presuming single row or column
                        // search for conflict with assumption of single row/col to determine grid dimension
                        for (int areaIndex = 2; areaIndex < areas.length; ++areaIndex) {
                                if (stepLat == 1) {
                                        if (areas[areaIndex-1].getBounds().getMaxLat() != areas[areaIndex].getBounds().getMinLat()) {
                                                dimLat = areaIndex;
                                } else {
                                        if (areas[areaIndex-1].getBounds().getMaxLong() != areas[areaIndex].getBounds().getMinLong()) {
                                                stepLat = areaIndex;
                                                dimLat = areas.length / areaIndex;
                        splitIntoRows(e, areas, stepLat, dimLat, areasHashMap);

                for (int areaIndex = 0; areaIndex < areas.length; ++areaIndex) {
                        List<List<Coord>> subShapePoints = ShapeSplitter.clipToBounds(e.getPoints(), areas[areaIndex].getBounds(), areasHashMap);
                        for (List<Coord> subShape : subShapePoints) {
                                MapShape s = e.copy();

        private static void splitIntoRows(MapShape e, MapArea[] areas, int stepLat, int dimLat, Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<Coord> areasHashMap) {
                final int dimLong = areas.length / dimLat;
                final int stepLong = stepLat == 1 ? dimLat : 1;
                List<List<Coord>> pendList = Collections.singletonList(e.getPoints());
                for (int inx = 1; inx < dimLat; ++inx) {
                        int areaIndex = inx * stepLat;
                        int dividingLine = areas[areaIndex].getBounds().getMinLat();
                        List<List<Coord>> lessList = new ArrayList<>(), moreList = new ArrayList<>();
                        for (List<Coord> subShape : pendList)
                                ShapeSplitter.splitShape(subShape, dividingLine << Coord.DELTA_SHIFT, false, lessList, moreList, areasHashMap);
                        if (!lessList.isEmpty())
                                splitIntoCols(lessList, areas, areaIndex-stepLat, stepLong, dimLong, areasHashMap, e);
                        if (moreList.isEmpty())
                        pendList = moreList;
                splitIntoCols(pendList, areas, (dimLat-1)*stepLat, stepLong, dimLong, areasHashMap, e);

        private static void splitIntoCols(List<List<Coord>> rowList, MapArea[] areas, int startInx, int stepLong, int dimLong, Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<Coord> areasHashMap, MapShape template) {
                List<List<Coord>> pendList = rowList;
                for (int inx = 1; inx < dimLong; ++inx) {
                        int areaIndex = startInx + inx * stepLong;
                        int dividingLine = areas[areaIndex].getBounds().getMinLong();
                        List<List<Coord>> lessList = new ArrayList<>(), moreList = new ArrayList<>();
                        for (List<Coord> subShape : pendList)
                                ShapeSplitter.splitShape(subShape, dividingLine << Coord.DELTA_SHIFT, true, lessList, moreList, areasHashMap);
                        if (!lessList.isEmpty())
                                saveParts(lessList, areas[areaIndex-stepLong], template);
                        if (moreList.isEmpty())
                        pendList = moreList;
                saveParts(pendList, areas[startInx+(dimLong-1)*stepLong], template);

        private static void saveParts(List<List<Coord>> cellList, MapArea area, MapShape template) {
                for (List<Coord> subShape : cellList) {
                        MapShape s = template.copy();

         * @return true if this area contains any data
        public boolean hasData() {
                return !points.isEmpty() || !lines.isEmpty() || !shapes.isEmpty();

        public String toString() {
                return "MapArea [res=" + areaResolution + ", width=" + bounds.getWidth() + ", height=" + bounds.getHeight()
                                + ", sizes=" + Arrays.toString(sizes) + "]";