<h3>OpenStreetMap converter
This package has the code to read in a file that is in the Open Street Map
format (.osm files). OSM uses an XML format. The bulk of the code exists
to map from the OSM format to the garmin types. In general we need
to look at several tags to decide on the correct garmin feature type to
use. The initial versions of mkgmap could only deal with cases where
a single tag value was sufficient. This was simple and works for a large
number of cases, but makes some things completely impossible.
<em>new style system
</em> will remove this limitation.
Version 0.4 of the api is no longer supported.
<h4>OSM api version 0.5
<p>This version of the format does away with segments. Ways are sequences of
nodes. As such it matches the format that we require for the Garmin maps
much closer than the previous version of the api. Ways cannot branch or have
out of order segments, so all the code that deals with that is not required.
<h3>About the conversion
<p>The following features of the OSM format need to be addressed to create
the map.
<li>There is no way to tell a polygon from a line feature apart from
looking at the type of feature it is and going from there. Note that a
line feature may form a loop (eg a roundabout, circular path in a park
etc.) so you can't use that.
<li>Map features are represented by tags. There is no fixed list of
tags and what they mean and new ones can be made up at any time. You
do not know which tag is telling you the type of the feature and which
tags are just incidental. It is also possible that you need to look at
more than one tag to get the map feature. For example with towns you
may want to look at the population tag to work out how it is to be
represented in Garmin features. We have to have a look up table that
maps OSM tags to garmin types and subtypes.
<h3>Feature list conversion
<p>The main way of getting a garmin feature code from the OSM tags on a point
is to have a table that maps OSM key/value pairs to the Garmin type/sub-type
codes. This is fine in many cases, but we will eventually need something more.
<p>A file called
</samp> holds the table. In addition it also
holds the minimum resolution that the feature will appear at. This determines
at which zoom levels a feature appears.
<h3>New Style Converter
<p>With this style converter you can have several named styles which
can be built into mkgmap. A style consists of a number of different
files held in a directory. The different files mean that there is
a lot more flexibility available.
The version 0 list of files is as follows.
<dd>Every style must have a version file. It contains a single number.
<dd>This is the map features file exactly as before.