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#ifndef __GARMINIMG__H
#define __GARMINIMG__H

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "imgtypes.h"

using namespace std;

class GarminImg;
class ImgFile;
class ImgSubfile;
class ImgTRE;
class ImgLBL;
class ImgRGN;
class ImgGMP;

struct img_fat_block_struct {
        string filename;
        string extension;
        string fullname;
        off_t offset;
        off_t size;
typedef struct img_fat_block_struct img_fat_block_t;

typedef map<string,img_fat_block_t> img_fat_t;
typedef map<string,class ImgSubfile *> subfile_list_t;
typedef map<string,class ImgFile *> file_list_t;
typedef map<uword_t,string> poly_name_t;
typedef map<udword_t,string> point_name_t;

class GarminImg {
        byte_t *ptr, *start, *bof, *save;
        string buffer, sbuffer;
        string fname;
        int fd;
        unsigned long bsize;
        file_list_t::iterator pfileent;
        poly_name_t polylines_byname, polygons_byname;
        point_name_t points_byname;

        // Private utility methods

        void _xor (void *p, size_t len);

        file_list_t files;
        img_fat_t fat;
        byte_t xorbyte;

        GarminImg ();
        ~GarminImg ();

        // I/O methods

        int open (const char *path);
        int seek (off_t offset);
        int seek (off_t offset, int whence);
        off_t tell ();

        // Garmin data type methods

        byte_t get_byte ();
        word_t get_word ();
        uword_t get_uword ();
        dword_t get_dword ();
        udword_t get_udword ();
        dword_t get_int24 ();
        udword_t get_uint24 ();
        string get_string ();
        string get_string (size_t length);
        void get_cstring (void *dst, size_t length);
        time_t get_date ();
        string get_base11str (char delim);

        double degrees (dword_t units);
        double degrees (dword_t units, int bits);

        // General utility methods

        string base (long num, int base, int width);

        // Buffer functions

        string ibuffer(off_t *start_offset);

        void sbuffer_set ();
        void sbuffer_append ();
        void sbuffer_recall ();
        void sbuffer_swap ();
        void sbuffer_rtrim (size_t n);
        void sbuffer_ltrim (size_t n);
        off_t sbuffer_tell ();
        string::size_type sbuffer_size ();

        // IMG infrastructure methods

        void block_size_exp (unsigned int powoftwo);
        unsigned long block_size ();
        uword_t last_seq_block (off_t stopat);

        // IMG FAT/file methods

        class ImgFile *file_find (string name);
        void set_fileent ();
        class ImgFile *get_fileent ();

        // IMG element functions

        string elem_polyline_name (uword_t type);
        string elem_polygon_name (uword_t type);
        string elem_point_name (uword_t type, uword_t subtype);

struct map_level_struct {
        byte_t bits;
        bool inherit;
        uword_t nsubdiv;
typedef struct map_level_struct map_level_t;

struct bound_struct {
        coord_t nw;
        coord_t se;
typedef struct bound_struct bound_t;

struct subdivision_struct {
        byte_t level;
        udword_t rgn_start;
        udword_t rgn_end;
        byte_t elements;
        coord_t center;
        bound_t boundary;
        uword_t last;
        uword_t next_level_idx;
        byte_t shiftby;
typedef struct subdivision_struct map_subdivision_t;

typedef map<byte_t, map_level_t> levels_t;
typedef map<uword_t, map_subdivision_t> subdivisions_t;

struct locality_struct {
        string name;
        uword_t parent_idx;
typedef struct locality_struct locality_t;

typedef map<off_t,unsigned int> offset_list_t;
typedef map<off_t,string> label_cache_t;
typedef map<off_t,string> zip_cache_t;
typedef map<uword_t,string> country_cache_t;
typedef map<uword_t,locality_t> locality_cache_t;

// Master object that holds subfiles (RGN, LBL, TRE, etc.) and binds
// them together.

class ImgFile {
        subfile_list_t subfiles;
        offset_list_t section_offsets;
        label_cache_t labels;
        country_cache_t countries;
        locality_cache_t regions, cities;
        zip_cache_t zips;
        levels_t levels;
        subdivisions_t subdivisions;
        int indexed_cities;

        class GarminImg *img;
        string name;

        ImgFile (class GarminImg *imgin, string namein);
        ~ImgFile ();

        // Subfile methods

        class ImgSubfile *subfile_add (string type, off_t offset,
                udword_t size);
        class ImgSubfile *subfile_find (string type);
        off_t subfile_offset (string type);

        // Offset methods

        void offset_add (off_t offset, unsigned int section);
        off_t offset_next (off_t this_offset);
        unsigned int offset_find (off_t offset);

        // Label methods

        void label_store (off_t lbloffset, string label);
        string label_get (off_t lbloffset);
        string poi_get_name (off_t poioffset);
        vector<string> poi_get_address (off_t poioffset);

        // Locality methods

        void country_add (uword_t idx, string name);
        string country_get (uword_t idx);

        void region_add (uword_t idx, string name, uword_t cidx);
        string region_get (uword_t idx);
        vector<string> region_get_ar (uword_t idx);

        void city_add (uword_t idx, string name, uword_t ridx);
        void city_inc (void);
        string city_get (uword_t idx);
        vector<string> city_get_ar (uword_t idx);
        uword_t ncities ();

        void zip_add (uword_t idx, string name);
        string zip_get (uword_t idx);
        uword_t nzips ();

        // Level methods

        void level_add (byte_t zoom, bool inherited, byte_t bits,
                uword_t nsubdiv);
        int level_get (byte_t zoom, map_level_t *level);

        // Subdivision methods

        void subdivision_add (uword_t n, map_subdivision_t *subdiv);
        int subdivision_get (uword_t n, map_subdivision_t *subdiv);
        uword_t nsubdivisions ();

struct sec_info_struct {
        off_t offset;
        udword_t length;
        uword_t rsize;

class ImgSubfile {
        friend class ImgGMP;
        friend class ImgTRE;
        friend class ImgLBL;
        friend class ImgRGN;
        friend class ImgNET;
        friend class ImgNOD;

        off_t imgfile_offset;    // Offset of the subfile

        off_t header_offset;    // Offset of the header in the subfile
                                // This is imgfile_offset for "old" style
                                // IMG files but differs for "NT" style

        class ImgFile *ifile;
        class GarminImg *img;
        uword_t hlen;
        udword_t size;
        bool locked;

        ImgSubfile ();
        ~ImgSubfile ();

        // Offset methods

        void set_header_offset (off_t offset_new);
        void set_size (udword_t size_new);
        off_t offset ();
        off_t h_offset ();

// Subfile data structures

#define SUB_HAVE_POINT          0x10
#define SUB_HAVE_IDXPNT         0x20
#define SUB_HAVE_POLYLINE       0x40
#define SUB_HAVE_POLYGON        0x80


// Subfile class defintions

class ImgGMP : public ImgSubfile {
        int omult;

        ImgGMP (class ImgFile *ifilein, off_t offset);
        ~ImgGMP ();

class ImgNOD : public ImgSubfile {
        struct sec_info_struct unknown1_info, unknown2_info, unknown3_info;
        int omult;

        ImgNOD (class ImgFile *ifilein, off_t offset);
        ~ImgNOD ();

class ImgNET : public ImgSubfile {
        struct sec_info_struct roads_info, unknown1_info, sorted_info;
        int omult1, omult2;

        ImgNET (class ImgFile *ifilein, off_t offset);
        ~ImgNET ();

class ImgRGN : public ImgSubfile {

        int _bits_per_coord (byte_t base, bool is_signed, bool extra_bit);
        struct sec_info_struct data_info;

        ImgRGN (class ImgFile *ifilein, off_t offset);
        ~ImgRGN ();

        // Bitstream functions

        void bits_per_coord (byte_t base, byte_t bfirst, bool extra_bit,
                int *blong, int *blat, int *sbits);

class ImgTRE : public ImgSubfile {

        struct sec_info_struct levels_info, subdiv_info, polyline_info,
                polygon_info, point_info, copyright_info, unknown1_info,
        int nlevels, nsubdivisions;

        ImgTRE (class ImgFile *ifilein, off_t offset);
        ~ImgTRE ();

#define LBL_ENC_6BIT    6
#define LBL_ENC_8BIT    9       // Yes, that's correct
#define LBL_ENC_10BIT   10
#define LBL_ENC_NT      11

class ImgLBL : public ImgSubfile {
        const char *encoding6, *encoding6_shift, *encoding6_spec;
        byte_t poi_flags;

        // Private 6 bit label methods

        string char_6bit (byte_t byte, int *chset);
        string label_parse_6bit (off_t offset);
        string label_parse_8bit (off_t offset);

        struct sec_info_struct country_info, region_info, city_info,
                poiprop_info, zip_info, label_info, hwy_info,
                sort_info, exitlist_info, exitsvc_info;

        int omult, ncities, nzips, encoding, nhwys, nexitsvcs;

        struct poi_mask_struct {
                char street_num;
                char street;
                char city;
                char zip;
                char phone;
                char hwyexit;
                char tides;
        } poi_mask;

        ImgLBL (class ImgFile *ifilein, off_t offset);
        ~ImgLBL ();

        // POI properties functions

        byte_t global_poi_flags ();
        byte_t global_poi_flags (byte_t flags_in);

        // Locality functions

        void country_def_parse (off_t offset);
        void region_def_parse (off_t offset);
        void city_def_parse (off_t offset);
        void postalcode_def_parse (off_t offset);

        // Label functions

        string label_parse_abs (off_t offset);
        string label_parse (off_t lbloffset);

// Subfile section offsets

#define TRE_LEVELS      0x0001
#define TRE_SUBDIV      0x0002
#define TRE_POLYLINE    0x0003
#define TRE_POLYGON     0x0004
#define TRE_POINT       0x0005
#define TRE_COPYRIGHT   0x0006
#define TRE_UNKN1       0x0007
#define TRE_UNKN2       0x0008

#define LBL_LABELS      0x1001
#define LBL_COUNTRY_DEF 0x1002
#define LBL_REGION_DEF  0x1003
#define LBL_CITY_DEF    0x1004
#define LBL_UNKN1       0x1005
#define LBL_POI_PROP    0x1006
#define LBL_UNKN2       0x1007
#define LBL_ZIP_DEF     0x1008
#define LBL_HWY_DEF     0x1009
#define LBL_EXIT_SVC    0x100A
#define LBL_EXIT_LST    0x100B
#define LBL_SORT_DESC   0x100C
#define LBL_UNKN3       0x100D
#define LBL_UNKN4       0x100E

#define NET_ROAD_DEF    0x2001
#define NET_ROAD_REC    0x2002
#define NET_UNKN1       0x2003
#define NET_SORTED      0x2004

#define NOD_UNKN1       0x3001
#define NOD_UNKN2       0x3002
