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[mkgmap-dev] Patch POI for imgfmt-app-lbl

From Bernhard Heibler bernhard at heibler.de on Sat Jan 3 19:41:11 GMT 2009


I did some investigation on the LBL portion of imgfmt. I'm now able to 
attach some address information to the POI records. Please see the 
attached patch with the small corrections I made. The main changes are:

- Calculation of  "local" POIFlag that is written into the POI dataset 
fixed. Looks like we have to "cut out" all bits that are not set in the 
LBL header. In other words the meaning of the local bits change 
according to the global bits.
- Size of CityIndex and ZipIndex is now one or two bytes depending on 
the number of records in the LBL
- Fixed wrong POINT_REF mask in City.java. I'm still struggling with the 
POINT_REF stuff. I'm not sure how to compute the subdivision and 

poiAddressPatch.txt doesn't include the filling of the address 
information for the POI's. This small patch should be save to be 
integrated into the trunk.

I have also attached experimental code to use information out of the 
"Karlsruhe Addressing" scheme or from the nearest city. To do so I had 
to extend also osm2mp to provide the necessary information. I will try 
to improve this search since sometimes the POI's end up in the wrong 
city. Please also be aware that I use some openGeoDB tags which may not 
be available everywhere. The search for nearest city is linear and slow.

I still have not figured out what data has to be provided to enable a 
real address based destination selection. Maybe this has something to do 
with the POINT_REF stuff ?

Patches are bases on rev 828 of nod branch. I tested my stuff with Nuvi 
360 and GPSMapEdit.

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