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[mkgmap-dev] Routing (and other) woes

From Michel Marti mcdmx at users.sf.net on Thu Feb 19 21:57:47 GMT 2009

When routing with a mkgmap (svn rev. 907) generated routable map, my 
nüvi gets seriously confused about this area:


* Two of the motorway-links there look like residential roads on the
* way 4987473 is labeled '67' although there is no such ref or
   name for this way in the OSM data
* The way 10864230 (highway=secondary) is labeled "Ramp" on the garmin

Another area that shows similar problems:


Again, motorway link 4248871 is unnamed in OSM, but on the Garmin, it is 
labeled with the name of a nearby river (Töss, id: 4255496). It also 
gets rendered like a residential road.

As a side effect, in those two areas, the garmin omits  some 
turn-instructions (e.g. to take the ramp to the motorway).

I also noticed that when taking a different route as the one suggested 
by the device, it takes much longer for the garmin to recalculate the 
route than with the built-in map.

Are these known deficiencies?


- Michel

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