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[mkgmap-dev] POI and routing with multiple tiles

From Stefan Aschenbach stefan at binaervarianz.de on Wed Mar 11 21:44:10 GMT 2009

Hi again,

let me just start with an apology: I have about half an hour each day  
to test mkgmap. The other time I don't even have access to that (and  
any other) windows machine.
So anything said here is from memory, with no possibiliy to go back  
and copy & paste some log data or try again.

But I hope somebody still finds some feedback usefull. It's not meant  
as an request for fixing, but just as another usage report.

So what I did was:

- Downloaded .osm.bz files from geofabrik for thuringia(GER), bavaria 
(GER) and austria.
- unpacked each file and processed each with splitter (I used the - 
mapid= switch to produce files with consecutive names)
- thuringia produced 1 tile, bavaria 4 tiles and austria 6
- used mkgmap(r975) to produce a map of all tiles (options included -- 
route, --gmapsupp, --net, --road-name-pois)
- used mapsettool to bring it in mapsource, uploaded to erex legend hcx

What I observed:

Output of mkgmap run:

- Some bad turning restrictions
- Some areas containing to much points (for some autogeneration of  
names I think) (this is really bad quality of information for a bug  
report, isn't it?)

Routing in Mapsource:

A route from erfurt (thuringia) to bad reichenhall (southern bavaria)  
fails. Inserting more and more waypoints in between results in  
narrowing the not-routable part down to the border between thuringia  
and bavaria.

POI search on etrex:

While "Bad Reichenhall" is findable in mapsource, it isn't on the  
etrex. Neither under 'citys' nor under 'all'.
Same for some street names there.

I think the routing problem originates in the overlapping or  
otherwise missaligning tile borders between the tiles generated from  
different .osm files.
Is the intended workflow really: download the whole of europe, use  
splitter and mkgmap, use mapsource to identify interesting tiles,  
throw away the other ones and run mkgmap again?
Or is there a way of telling splitter to take care of that? Does  
splitter allow more than one input file at once?



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