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[mkgmap-dev] Re: bad file format error

From frmas frmas at free.fr on Mon May 18 18:11:03 BST 2009

Toby Speight a écrit :

> So mkgmap is right to reject the file; now the question is, how did that
> malformed sequence get in there in the first place?  Could your script
> have written it, or has it come from (say) the planet.osm file (or a
> subset cut from it)?

Is it possible for someone to grab the following data (the .osm file
produced is just 1259178 bytes).

This is the command line I used :

curl -L
-o paris.osm

Then :
java -Xmx768M -jar mkgmap.jar --latin1 --mapname="09030406" paris.osm

If it gives :
Error at line 2539, col 92
Bad file format: paris.osm

Then the problem is from "planet osm", if not, it's a problem with my
Linux box. Thanks. Francois

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