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[mkgmap-dev] Need Help with osm5XmlHandler File

From Felix Hartmann extremecarver at googlemail.com on Sun May 31 19:27:32 BST 2009

Hello, I wanted to patch 
/trunk/src/uk/me/parabola/mkgmap/reader/osm/xml/Osm5XmlHandler.java to 
map oneway attributes to 'highway=oneway1' adapting the code that was 
used for the cycleway opposite patch.

Attached is what I added but it does not work. Can someone find the 
mistake or my understanding error? (I would like to do this for several 
attributes like tracktype, mtb:scale or oneway, currently I render them 
in different mkgmap runs, and add it together as a layer)

I would prefer to have everything in one layer however to save compiling 
time. I would be fine editing all in this file, or maybe even better 
would be to have mkgmap call lines0, lines1, lines2, lines3 file and 
subsequent in one run and put them all into the same .img. I can't use 
the overlays file, because it's too limited for what I wan't to achieve 
because I can't possibly list all possible combinations.

Find attached the patch I tried to use, please someone help me why it 
doesn't work (I added highway=oneway1 and oneway1=* in the lines 
stylefile to search for but id doesn't find them, nor displays them in 
the map).

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