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[mkgmap-dev] where do I have to use the style files

From frmas frmas at free.fr on Mon Jul 27 14:09:52 BST 2009


Trying to create a good cyclemap, my attempts don't give me the result
expected ;-)
My question is related to the style files:
Where do I have to use the parameter "--style-file=xxxxxx".
I use it two times when I create the gmapsupp.zip file, but maybe one is
First time, when I compile all the xxx.osm.gz file produced by splitter.
Second time when I assemble all .img file produced to create the
gmapsupp.img file. Am I right ?

At the beginning of the run I have those parameters :

 # Options de compilation de mkgmap
  OPT_M_COMP="                              \
  -Xmx768M                                  \
  -jar mkgmap.jar                           \
  --add-pois-to-areas                       \
  --ignore-maxspeeds                        \
  --ignore-osm-bounds                       \
  --ignore-turn-restrictions                \
  --latin1                                  \
  --location-autofill=1                     \
  --remove-short-arcs                       \
  --road-name-pois                          \
  --route                                   \
  --transparent                             \
  --style-file=$FILEDIR/styles/cyclemap     \
  --family-id=148                           \


  # On fait les cartes .img pour la France :

  if [ -f $CARTESDIR/$carte_a01 ]; then
  echo "   - On fait la carte a partir du fichier $carte_a01" >>
   java $OPT_M_COMP --mapname="09030001" $CARTESDIR/$carte_a01


then further in my batch file :

  CARTES="09030102.img \
  09030001.img 09030002.img 09030003.img 09030004.img 09030005.img \
  09030006.img 09030007.img 09030008.img 09030009.img 09030010.img \
  09030011.img 09030012.img 09030013.img 09030014.img 09030015.img \
  09030016.img \
  09030199.img \
  09030501.img 09030502.img 09030503.img 09030504.img 09030505.img \
  09030506.img 09030507.img \

  # Options de compilation pour la creation de la gmapsupp.img
  OPT_GMAPSUPP="                           \
  -Xmx768M                                 \
  -jar mkgmap.jar                          \
  --country-name=France                    \
  --country-abbr=FR                        \
  --gmapsupp                               \
  --family-id=148                          \
  --style-file=$FILEDIR/styles/cyclemap    \

  java $OPT_GMAPSUPP --description="Ma carte VTT" --family-name="v2.00
au 26 juillet 2009" $CARTES

Thank you. Francois


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