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[mkgmap-dev] Routing Errors: mapsource fails to find a route

From Marco Certelli marco_certelli at yahoo.it on Sun Jan 17 16:09:39 GMT 2010


It's some months I noticed a problem. Very often building Italy and using lates splitter (97..103) and lates mkgmap (varies) the map has some routing problem. In fact trying complex routes (example: from a side of Rome to the other), mapsource is sometimes unable to find the route and stops with an error.

If I take the same italy OSM data file and I split with the very old splitter (I do not know the version, it's the 51 Kbyte jar). The problem does not appear.

It is not related to style (my stile and default presents the same issue). This is the command line I use (part of a cmd script on Windows XP):


java -enableassertions -Xmx1000m -jar ..\bin\splitter.jar --mapid=66%FID%001 --max-nodes=1000000 ..\OSM-Data\%osmfile%

java -enableassertions -Xmx1000m -jar ..\bin\mkgmap.jar --code-page=1252 --country-name="%country%" --latin1 --family-id=%FID% --mapname=66%FID%001 --overview-mapname=66%FID%000 --tdbfile --series-name="OSM-%country%" --family-name="OpenStreetMap: %country%" --road-name-pois --add-pois-to-areas --no-poi-address --ignore-maxspeeds --remove-short-arcs --preserve-element-order --style-file=..\bin\resources\styles\ --style=%style% --description="%country%" --route --net --gmapsupp -c template.args


Is is a known problem?

Ciao, Marco.


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