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[mkgmap-dev] [MP] Cannot join ways to closed polygons

From Marko Mäkelä marko.makela at iki.fi on Tue Jan 19 07:42:24 GMT 2010

This seems to be another bogus warning:

2010/01/19 09:26:47 WARNING (MultiPolygonRelation): Cannot join the following ways to closed polygons. MP-Relation http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/302408

I did
josm 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=64.73925&lon=29.49075&zoom=18'
selected the relation of the node and downloaded all members in the
relation editor.  Each 'inner' member (island) consists of a closed way
according to the relation editor.  (It shows closed loops next to the
members.)  The 'outer' member (coastline) consists of 7 ways, which
form a closed loop.  6 of the ways are 500 nodes and the last one
is 218 nodes.

To me, the data seems fine.


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