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[mkgmap-dev] Help from the style file gurus

From charlie at cferrero.net charlie at cferrero.net on Wed Jan 20 15:54:40 GMT 2010

Quoting Felix Hartmann <extremecarver at googlemail.com>:

> You are using types that Mapsource does not display. As simple. 0x2b is
> the last line type Mapsource is using. GPS works to 0x3f.
> You have to use extended (5 digit) types instead.

Different versions of MapSource also behave differently.  Since  
upgrading to the latest version, I cannot get it to plot bridge/tunnel  
casings at all, but it worked fine on the older version.   
Unfortunately there seems to be no way to download old versions of  
MapSource from the Garmin website.  In any case, the plotting speed is  
immensely faster in the most recent version (almost instant), so I'm  
reluctant to downgrade just to be able to visualise bridges again.

I've also noticed that MapSource plots overlays as *underlays*,  
whereas the GPS properly plots them as overlays.  So my one-way arrows  
appear *underneath* the road in MapSource, but on top of the road in  
the GPS.  Very annoying!


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