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[mkgmap-dev] Flooding in Germany

From WanMil wmgcnfg at web.de on Wed Jan 20 20:24:15 GMT 2010

> So what has to be done to solve the problem?
> 1. Inform the geofabrik people that they may increase their boundaries.
> maybe they could include the three or twelf-mile-zone around a country?
> 2. The format of an OSM dump should be extended by the possibility to
> define the exact borders of the OSM dump. The osmosis tool could then
> add the boundary used to extract the OSM dump to the dump. This solves
> 99% of the problems originated by inexact dumps and unknown boundaries.

I have started a discussion on the osmosis mailing list: 

Hopefully the osmosis people support our requirements. Then a lot of 
discussions and "guess how to close an unclosed polygon algorithms" are 


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