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[mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v2] Advanced restrictions

From Nakor nakor.osm at gmail.com on Fri May 14 01:49:17 BST 2010


So my post from a couple weeks ago was correct. You can have turn 
restrictions with via ways. Attached is a patch that does that and also 
implements the "More restriction exceptions 
<http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/pipermail/mkgmap-dev/2010q2/008330.html>" I 
posted yesterday.

I'd like to warn that this was a quite complex thing and I did not fully 
understand the relation structure in mkgmap so it may break other 
thinks. I needs to be reviewed by s.o. who knows how restriction 
relation works in mkgmap.

It has limitations as well:

* If the via ways gets split for routing (like in 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/275622 where via way 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/41694496 gets split at 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/62547613 because of an incoming 
ramp), the relation creation fails
* I did not try with more than one via way but it probably just fails as 

Those again would need to be looked at by s.o. with better knowledge of 
how routing and restrictions works.


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