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[mkgmap-dev] Address search

From Frédéric Bonifas fredericbonifas at gmail.com on Sun Aug 22 14:21:59 BST 2010


Two remarks on address search with a Vista Hcx :

* even if I don't know the address number, I have to write a number in
order to find the street

* I use the splitter to generate a map for France. It splits the file
in something like 60 pieces. I can only search an address in the piece
of map I am currently in. A trick to go around that : go to the
"Satellite" page of the GPS, turn satellite search off, then "new
location" and choose a location near the address you want to search,
so that the GPS searches in the same piece of map than the address.


Frédéric Bonifas
+33672652807 skype:fredericbonifas

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