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[mkgmap-dev] maps with diacritic symbols

From Rich richlv at nakts.net on Wed Mar 2 19:52:44 GMT 2011

hi. i'm terribly sorry if this is a silly question, but i've searched & 
asked around, but so far - failed to solve the problem.

i'm trying to generate maps for garmin etrex vista hcx that would 
contain entities with diacritic symbols (more specifically, map of latvia).

i've tried specifying several charsets (utf-8, iso-8859-13, cp-1257 and 
latin1), but with all of them symbols come out not as expected. with 
utf-8, cp- and iso- they are garbled in different ways, with latin1 they 
seem to be transcoded to basic characters.

i tried mkgmap 1625 and 1846.

any hints on how could i get a map on that device with proper diacritic 
characters ? ideally utf-8, as i might put maps crossing country borders 
on it, but at least latvian chars would be enough for the start :)

while i'm here, i also tried lowercase option - it mostly worked except 
for labels on roads where all lowercase symbols seemed to be replaced by 
underscores. is that something that can be improved with mkgmap, or is 
it a quirk of the garmin device ?

thanks in advance.

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