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[mkgmap-dev] Mapsource crash DSK_PRIVPARTITION.CPP-312- / osmmap_mdr.img >128 MB ?

From Peter Lerner peter at lerner.de on Sun Apr 3 14:28:14 BST 2011

Hello mkgmap developers!

I experimented a little bit with the AiO Europe Map in Mapsource and the 
496 available *.img tiles.

( Source of *.img files: 

Installing and viewing the AiO map in Mapsource is always fine. The 
problem is when you "select" the tiles e.g. to upload them to your GPS 
device. Then Mapsources crashes with an error:

       Mapsource Error "DSK_PRIVPARTITION.CPP-312-" .

To narrow down the problem I created arbitrary subsets of the available 
496 *.img files and installed those into Mapsource. The crash happens 
always when you try to include more than approx. 290-300 tiles (ca. 
2,2-2,3 GB).

Same error every time, when you have more than that number of tiles. The 
problem is also _not_ related to a single tile!
I suspect that there is some internal limit, e.g. number of certain 
elements, an index that exceeds a certain number, ...!?

Could it be that the size of the osmmap_mdr.img being >128 MB is a problem?

This was some eye-catching coincidence taking into account the Mapsource 
error DSK_PRIVPARTITION probably having to do with the "file system 
layout" in the osmmap_mdr.img file ?

This problem drives a lot of people crazy since May 2010 ... there are 
some reports about that on the AiO wiki and AiO forum since then.

If I can do any further analysis let me know (i'm not a java guru).


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