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[mkgmap-dev] natural=peak altitude conversion

From Minko ligfietser at online.nl on Mon Apr 4 12:22:26 BST 2011

I found a better way to render the height, by just skipping the whole conversion height:m=>ft thing.

natural=peak & ele=* {name '${name|def:} (${ele|def:})' | '${name}' } [0x6616 resolution 20]
natural=peak & ele!=* {name '${name|def:}' } [0x6616 resolution 20]

Now it renders on my maps as follows:

Kahler Asten (840,8)
Wetzstein (771 M)
Bremberg (809)

(the last peak did not contain elevation info)

Of course you could refine this by adding m behind the digits (with a check if ele contains no m(eters)) but this is ok to me.

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