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[mkgmap-dev] [locator] Country specific rules

From Carlos Dávila cdavilam at orangecorreo.es on Fri May 20 10:06:59 BST 2011

El 20/05/11 00:07, Carlos Dávila escribió:
> El 19/05/11 23:15, WanMil escribió:
>>> El 19/05/11 22:12, WanMil escribió:
>>>>> El 19/05/11 21:29, WanMil escribió:
>>>>>>> El 16/05/11 19:27, Minko escribió:
>>>>>>>> Cool!
>>>>>>>> I can use these locator rules also for the multiple language expressions in the 'default_name':
>>>>>>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk/msg07697.html
>>>>>>>> Example:
>>>>>>>> leisure=pitch&         sport=soccer&         (mkgmap:country=NLD | mgkmap:region=Vlaanderen) [0x19 default_name="voetbalveld" resolution 23]
>>>>>>>> leisure=pitch&         sport=soccer&         mkgmap:country=DEU  [0x19 default_name="Fussballfeld" resolution 23]
>>>>>>>> leisure=pitch&         sport=soccer&         (mkgmap:country=FRA | mgkmap:region="Région Wallone") [0x19 default_name="terrain de football" resolution 23]
>>>>>>>> leisure=pitch&         sport=soccer [0x19 resolution 23]
>>>>>>> I tried rules of type below, but it doesn't work for Morocco.
>>>>>>> highway=primary&        (mkgmap:country=ETH | mkgmap:country=MAR) [0x03
>>>>>>> road_class=3 road_speed=5 resolution 16]
>>>>>>> highway=primary [0x03 road_class=3 road_speed=5 resolution 18]
>>>>>>> MapSouce shows "Morocco (MOR)" in the countries list, although
>>>>>>> LocatorConfig.xml has the rule below and there's no occurrence of "MOR"
>>>>>>> in the OSM data.
>>>>>>> <country name="Morocco" abr="MAR">
>>>>>>> <variant>MA</variant>
>>>>>>> <variant>MAR</variant>
>>>>>>> </country>
>>>>>>> I know I could use MOR instead of MAR in my style but, shouldn't it be
>>>>>>> consistent with the LocatorConfig?
>>>>>> It seems as if the LocatorConfig you changed is not used by mkgmap. Do
>>>>>> you use a downloaded mkgmap.jar? I am not sure where your changed
>>>>>> LocatorConfig.xml must be placed so that mkgmap does not use the bundled
>>>>>> LocatorConfig.xml.
>>>>> I have not changed LocatorConfig.xml, I'm using the default one. I use a
>>>>> self compiled jar.
>>>> Oh, I am sorry. I mixed up some things.
>>> Well, I'm must also say I'm sorry, as checking my parameters I've seen
>>> MOR was coming from my --country-abbr:-[ , but changing it to the right
>>> "MAR" didn't make the style work, although MapSource now lists "Morocco
>>> (MAR)"
>> That's good because this question is answered :-)
>> The style can work only if the boundaries of Morocco are contained in
>> the precompiled boundary tiles. I think my europe compilation may
>> contain a small part of northern morocco.
>> So you should do the following steps:
>> 1. Check that the boundary multipolygon of Morocco is complete and valid
>> 2. Precompile the boundary tiles
>> 3. Compile your map again using the precompiled boundary tiles
>> Then the style rules should work.
> I had already compiled Morocco's boundary (extracted from Geofabrik
> morocco.osm.pbf). What I didn't is converting bnd to gpx and checking
> it, but that will be tomorrow...
I checked part of the bound tiles and they are correct. Here are all my 
steps, so you can see if I'm doing something wrong:
1-Extract boundaries:
osmosis \
--read-pbf file=morocco.osm.pbf outPipe.0=1 \
--tee 2 inPipe.0=1 outPipe.0=2 outPipe.1=3 \
--buffer inPipe.0=3 outPipe.0=4 \
--buffer inPipe.0=2 outPipe.0=5 \
--tag-filter accept-relations boundary=administrative inPipe.0=4 
outPipe.0=6 \
--used-way inPipe.0=6 outPipe.0=7 \
--tag-filter reject-relations inPipe.0=5 outPipe.0=8 \
--tag-filter accept-ways boundary=administrative inPipe.0=8 outPipe.0=9 \
--used-node inPipe.0=9 outPipe.0=10 \
--used-node inPipe.0=7 outPipe.0=11 \
--merge inPipe.0=10 inPipe.1=11 outPipe.0=12 \
--write-pbf file=morocco-boundaries.osm.pbf omitmetadata=true 
compress=deflate inPipe.0=12

2-Map compilation:
time /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java -Xmx400m -enableassertions 
-Dlog.config=logging.properties -jar mkgmap-locator.jar 
--boundsdirectory=bounds_morocco --generate-sea=extend-sea-sectors 
--route --tdbfile --latin1 --code-page=1252 
--description="OpenStreetMap-Morocco" --gmapsupp --country-name=MOROCCO 
--country-abbr=MAR --family-name="Open Street Map" --family-id=17 
--product-id=1 --series-name="OSM-Morocco" --area-name="Morocco" 
--overview-mapname=55170000 --mapname=55170000 
--name-tag-list=int_name,name --index --road-name-pois=0x640a 
--ignore-maxspeeds --remove-short-arcs --merge-lines --add-pois-to-areas 
--adjust-turn-headings --report-similar-arcs --link-pois-to-ways 
--location-autofill=0 --drive-on-right --check-roundabouts 
--check-roundabout-flares --style=mio typ/MOROC-17.TYP morocco.osm.pbf
> PS: I tried to compile boundaries for all Africa, but there were errors
> and it didn't complete. I fixed most multipolygon (boundary) errors
> found in log and will try again tomorrow. As soon as I succeed I will
> make them available.
>> WanMil
>>>> Do you use the default-country parameter?
>>> Using --country-name=MOROCCO
>>>> Do you have other maps installed in MapSource?
>>> Yes, more than 15
>>>> I have no idea at the moment why Morocco is abbreviated with MOR but I
>>>> will test that myself.
>>>> WanMil
>>>>>>>> "Région Wallone" is however not recognised, maybe the relation 90348 is not complete? JOSM is complaining about a few members without role.
>>>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>>>> Wanmil wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Just wondering, maybe we can use the locator rules also for country or state specific routing?
>>>>>>>>> For instance in some countries (like Germany (?) according to the access rules on osm, see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_tags_for_routing/Access-Restrictions#Germany) one is allowed to cycle on trunk roads, while in other countries like in the Netherlands this is forbidden.
>>>>>>>>> In the style file maybe this is possible?
>>>>>>>>> mkgmap:country=NLD&          highway=trunk {add bicycle=no}
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