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[mkgmap-dev] routing on new devices

From Felix Hartmann extremecarver at gmail.com on Mon Nov 21 18:48:24 GMT 2011

Your testing rubbish, sorry to say so.

mkgmap:carpool is more or less equal to access=no; it should actually 
never be implemented in a map, as it mainly causes trouble, there is not 
proper use for it.

destination and no should be handled equally by mkgmap, Garmin only 
knows no or yes. So if destination blocks something for you that mkgmap 
doesn't, recheck for errors with gpsmapedit what actually happened. 
Cause if destination is handled like no by mkgmap (which would be the 
correct way, cause garmin handles no like destination is defined by osm, 
while no doesn't exist ( only insofar as making a road not routable at 
all) differently, either you or mkgmap do something wrong.

On 21.11.2011 19:30, Minko wrote:
> In Basecamp, I tested the routing on one highway=unclassified  and added extra tags in my style file.
> Here are some test results:
> highway=unclassified
> { set motorcar=no; set motorcycle=no  }  or
> { set motorcar=no  }   or
> { set motorcycle=no  } or
> { set access=no }
> - carpool avoidance NOT selected:
> Road routable for cars, bicycle, motorcycle, foot
> + carpool avoidance selected:
> Road NOT routable for cars, bicycle, motorcycle; routable for foot
> { set mkgmap:carpool=1  }  or
> { set motorcar=no; set mkgmap:carpool=1 }
> - carpool avoidance NOT selected:
> Road not routable for cars!
> Road routable for bicycle, motorcycle, foot
> + carpool avoidance selected:
> Road not routable for cars, bicycle, motorcycle; routable for foot
> {set motorcar=destination } / {set motorcycle=destination } / {set access=destination }
> Both options are routable for all vehicles EXCEPT cars (not routable); same behaviour as in Mapsource
> NB motorcycle = destination doesnt block motorcycles!
> { set access=no; set motorcar=yes } both carpool options are routable for all vehicles
> { set bicycle=no  } both options are routable for all vehicles
> {set bicycle=destination } both options are routable for all vehicles
> { set carpool=yes  }  both options are routable for all vehicles
> {set motor_vehicle=destination } both options are routable for all vehicles
> Conclusion
> - some access tags only work for all vehicles if carpool avoidance is used
> - mkgmap:carpool=1 can block the road for cars only
> - motorcar=destination/acces=destination can block the road for cars, for other vehicles carpool option must be used.
> Question: are those observations caused by parameters in the routing that is hardcoded by mkgmap?
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