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[mkgmap-dev] Routing issue with split road

From Marko Mäkelä marko.makela at iki.fi on Sat Jan 7 12:50:55 GMT 2012

On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 06:05:06PM -0500, Francisco Moraes wrote:
>I have seen some strange routing issues with the way below. If I am
>driving south, my GPS wants me to make a U-turn where the divided
>highway ends. It seems like the ways are not connected but I checked and
>I can't find anything wrong in the OSM data.
>Any ideas?

One idea is the observation that in the USA (at least California), it 
seems to be common to have compulsory U-turns. On a divided street, the 
divider would not be interrupted in every crossing, like it usually is 
in Europe. But in this case, the Hopson Rd/Louis Stephens Road crossing 
seems to be fully connected both in OSM and in the Bing imagery.

Was your destination to the east? What is the complete calculated route?

There is a no_u_turn restriction at the south end of the way, added by 
aighes today. Is this your test if the turn restriction makes any 
difference? I guess you might want to add no_u_turn restrictions to the 
crossing as well, because the Bing imagery seems to suggest no_u_turn 
there. Note that mkgmap currently does not support ways in role=via.

Best regards,


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