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[mkgmap-dev] overlays

From Martin Ždila martin.zdila at freemap.sk on Fri Feb 17 08:01:59 GMT 2012


First thanks for a great tool how mkgmap is!

I'd like to know something more about overlays. First, from the
documentation I can't figure out how to work with it and what is the
real purpose of overlays. It is written that overlays are "Used where
you want a single way to be converted to two ways in the output map".
How does it differ from multiple rules in "lines" matching single way,
assigning it different Garmin types and then "continue"?

Also I don't understand the "overlays" syntax and semantics. Could you
please explain it a bit more?

Thanks in advance
Best regards
Ing. Martin Ždila
OZ Freemap Slovakia
mailto:martin.zdila at freemap.sk

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