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[mkgmap-dev] splitter help file

From Jaromír Mikeš mira.mikes at seznam.cz on Sat Dec 15 22:45:53 GMT 2012

Od: GerdP 

> I downloaded the source code and updated it for splitter r259:

> <http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/file/n5740523/tile-splitter.htm> 


I'm trying new splitter r260, but getting message --keep-complete=true is not recognised.

$ java -ea -Xmx6144m -jar splitter-r260/splitter.jar  --max-nodes=2500000 --no-trim --description=Finland --mapid=63240001 --output=pbf --keep-complete=true --overlap=0 finland.osm.pbf

Invalid parameter(s):
  Parameter --keep-complete=true is not recognised, ignoring

Usage: java [JAVA_OPTIONS] -jar splitter.jar [OPTIONS] input_file (*.osm or *.pbf)
 --cache          Deprecated, now does nothing
 --description    A default description to give to each area.
 --geonames-file  The name of a GeoNames file to use for determining tile names. Typically cities15000.zip from http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/
 --legacy-mode    Enables the old area subdivision algorithm in case of compatibility problems. This requires lots of memory! Deprecated, will be removed in a future version.
 --mapid          The starting map ID. Default is 63240001.
 --max-areas      The maximum number of areas to process in a single pass. More areas require more memory, but less time. Values: 1-2048. Default is 255.
 --max-nodes      The maximum number of nodes permitted in each split area. Default is 1600000.
 --max-threads    The maximum number of threads used by splitter. Default is auto.
 --mixed          Specify this if the input osm file has nodes, ways and relations intermingled.
 --no-trim        Don't trim empty space off the edges of tiles.
 --output         The output type, either pbf or xml. Default is pbf.
 --output-dir     The path to the output directory. Defaults to the current working directory.
 --overlap        Nodes/ways/rels that fall outside an area will still be included if they are within this many map units. Default is 2000.
 --resolution     The resolution of the overview map to be produced by mkgmap. Default is 13.
 --split-file     The name of a file containing the areas definitions. Can be .list or .kml. Providing such a file will save processing time.
 --status-freq    Displays the amount of memory used by the JVM every --status-freq seconds. Set =0 to disable. Default is 120.
 --write-kml      The name of a kml file to write out the areas to. This is in addition to areas.list (which is always written out).


I builded splitter jar this way:
$ svn co http://svn.mkgmap.org.uk/splitter/trunk/
$ cd trunk/
$ ant

And I used created directory "dist". 

What I am doing wrong?



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