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[mkgmap-dev] Map display squeezed horizontally

From Michael Prinzing email at mipri.de on Fri Apr 19 14:22:25 BST 2013

Gerd Petermann schrieb:

Hello Gerd,

> the algorithms used in mkgmap could explain some shifting of elements, but I have no idea how a squeeze could
> happen.
> The img format requires mkgmap to distribute data to different so called sub divisions, the positions of elements are
> saved relative to these sub divisions. The more details your map contains, the more sub divs are created. So that would explain
> small changes when a style adds more details.
> The sub divisions may overlap, and I assume that rounding errors can cause that you see two objects
> that are saved in different sub divs with a different distance.
> I don't know if this can explain what you see?

I don't think so. If I understood you correctly, for a given object this 
would result in always the same shift, independent of the position of 
the object inside the map window.

This is not what I am seeing here. My objects are moved from both sides 
left and right towards the center of the map window. For the parking at 
the right in my sample images this results in a move to the left. If I 
however move the map window so that the parking comes to the border on 
the left, it still gets moved to the center of the map window, but now 
this is a shift to the right.

But I think Minko got it by pointing to the viewing angle in Mapsource.


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