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[mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v1] Support relation destination_sign

From WanMil wmgcnfg at web.de on Mon Apr 22 19:37:02 BST 2013

>> Can you implement these rules?
> It should be in relation-file:
> type=destination_sign { apply role=to { set
> foobar:destination=='$(foobar:destination),${destination}' |
> '${destination}' } }
> Now every to-way is tagged with destination-Tags of all relations
> seperated by ,
> In lines-file you would need something like:
> highway!=*_link { delete foobar:destination }
> Maybe you would like to merge foobar:destination with an existing
> desination, but I don't know if this is a good idea.

Ok, it seems to be possible. (Really? is ${foobar:destination} taken 
from the element or from the relation?).

Anyhow I still see some problems:
* The relations style file is processed after the --process-destination 
option has been processed. This might be fixed by executing the 
relations file earlier.
* The --process-destination option does not know the foobar:destination 
tag. So it will still ignore the tags if they are not merged with the 
destination tag within the relations file. Mmh, don't know a good 
solution for that.
* The stlye implementation seems to be quite complex to me. It may be 
more useful if it's possible to add some rules in the relations file 
regarding the elements, so something like

type=destination_sign { apply role=to & member:type=way & 
member:tag:destination!=* { set
  destination=='$(member:tag:destination),${destination}' |
  '${destination}' } }

Could be good testcase to extend the relations file capabilities.


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