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[mkgmap-dev] mkgmap multiple input files

From Andrzej Popowski popej at poczta.onet.pl on Sat Jul 13 13:29:16 BST 2013


I would be interested in creating single img tile form multiple input 
files. Since description of "input-file" parameter is quite imprecise, I 
have done some testing.

I have used template.args in a following form:

mapname: 08900000
input-file: 08900001.osm.pbf
input-file: 08900002.osm.pbf

mapname: 08900001
input-file: 08900003.osm.pbf
input-file: 08900004.mp

What I have observed:
If pbf files cover different area, then mkgmap creates separate img for 
each pbf. Second mapname seems to be ignored. Mkgmap outputs files with 
sequential numbers.

Polish format mp is read, since mkgmap issues warnings, but these data 
aren't included in any img.

And most interesting: if pbf files cover exactly the same area, they are 
merged into single tile. This is what I'd like to get.

Unfortunately merging is not recognized when creating tdb, index and 
preview map. For this files, each pbf is treated as separate tile. 
Resulting mapset is not accepted by Mapsource, it refuses to start.

I guess, that merging pbf into single tile is not supported and it is 
only some incidence, that it works for pbf with the same area. I would 
like to suggest, to make this procedure official and correct algorithms 
for Mapsource files accordingly.

Could you for example consider new option, like "add-file", which would 
cause merging input file with a previous one? There shouldn't be much 
work for pbf, since it nearly works. And it would be a great help if it 
worked for polish format mp, since it would allow to add data, which is 
not available in OSM format.

Best regards

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