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[mkgmap-dev] question regarding MapRoad

From GerdP gpetermann_muenchen at hotmail.com on Tue Oct 15 17:06:43 BST 2013

Hi Steve,

I'd like to change the way how MapRoad objects are handled in
the sub division split process.
Current implementation is like this:
1) StyledConverter creates a MapRoad instance with max. 250 points,
if a road has more points, multiple instances are created,
each with its own RoadDef. 
2) When the sub divisions are created, a MapRoad is never
split, so the final result is that each instance is 
written to exactly one sub division.

The Garmin format seems to imply that we should 
rather split the MapRoad to match a given bbox of a 
sub division. This will produce smaller img files
because the offsets to the sub division centers are smaller,
and if we allow to start with MapRoad instances having > 250 points,
we also have fewer NOD entries.

I tried to implement this, but I can't find a 
nice way to store the information about the order of the 
segments of a road. This is needed when finally 
the RoadDef.addPolylineRef() method is called.

I think that we either have to make sure that each part of a road
is processed in the correct order, or we have to restore
the order after all the filters where used.
(For the different levels, a road will be split into different
parts, if a road goes out and in we can have multiple
segments in one sub div, not directly connected
to each other) 
I have no idea yet how to do this.
Can you help?


View this message in context: http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/question-regarding-MapRoad-tp5781633.html
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