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[mkgmap-dev] [patch v1] link-pois-to-ways and restrictions

From WanMil wmgcnfg at web.de on Fri Dec 27 12:49:09 GMT 2013

Hi Gerd,

> I think the wanted behaviour is this:
> 1) The change in speed should be applied to max. 25m
> before and after the POI or to the connection
> with another way, whatever comes first.
> 2) A POI like a barrier should not change access
> to the way before or after the POI, only at the POI.
> The attached patch implements this changed behaviour.
> The type 2)  POI are converted to route restrictions.

I've tested part 2) of the patch and it worked fine for me!

> The patch also changes the meaning of route restrictions.
> In r2907 and before, route restrictions prohibit access for
> pedestrians and emergency, the patched version
> allows them by default.

Does that mean a common turn restriction from a=>b also means that 
pedestrians never can route a=>b?

> If I hear no complains, I'll commit that next sunday.

I propose to move the link-pois-to-ways handling before merging roads. 
Do you think it's complicated to move it?


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