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[mkgmap-dev] Diagnostic warnings for dead-end oneway highway=service

From Marko Mäkelä marko.makela at iki.fi on Sat Jan 4 11:05:17 GMT 2014

Hi Gerd,

>>With the newer patch and the data from last night, the new check did 
>>not report any issues that were missed by the old check. The new check 
>>failed to report these ways that were flagged by the old check in 
>Strange, after sorting I don't see a single difference for finland.

I am using manually assigned tiles.
My scripts are at http://www.polkupyoraily.net/osm/
with the most important ones being

>Please post one of your tiles (the input file) with a difference.

There are two tiles with one message (nowhere near the tile borders):

63240004: 2822016,956256 to 2916352,1172416
#       : 60.553894,20.519027 to 62.578125,25.157318

2014/01/03 23:34:09 WARNING (RouteNode): 63240004.osm.pbf: Oneway road 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/131648853) goes nowhere at 

63240010: 3014656,1111040 to 3067072,1409024
#       : 64.687500,23.840332 to 65.812225,30.234375

2014/01/03 23:35:00 WARNING (RouteNode): 63240010.osm.pbf: Oneway road 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/50118184) goes nowhere at 

Most messages are for this tile:

63240002: 2784459,1093376 to 2822016,1195648
#       : 59.748008,23.461304 to 60.553894,25.655823

2014/01/03 23:34:24 WARNING (RouteNode): 63240002.osm.pbf: Oneway road 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/25455464) goes nowhere at 
2014/01/03 23:34:25 WARNING (RouteNode): 63240002.osm.pbf: Oneway road 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/42191422) goes nowhere at 
2014/01/03 23:34:25 WARNING (RouteNode): 63240002.osm.pbf: Oneway road 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/53197410) goes nowhere at 
2014/01/03 23:34:25 WARNING (RouteNode): 63240002.osm.pbf: Oneway road 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/200035193) goes nowhere at 
2014/01/03 23:34:25 WARNING (RouteNode): 63240002.osm.pbf: Oneway road 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/220389737) goes nowhere at 

AFAICT, none of these are near the tile boundaries. The min/max lat is 
between 60.17 and 60.22 (well within 59.748..60.553) and the min/max lon 
is between 24.65 and 25.085 (inside 23.46..25.65).

>Attached is also the style that I use to test the dead-end-check.

I am using the default style. That could explain the difference, because 
the default style is omitting some tunnels from the map.


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