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[mkgmap-dev] boundary France broken?

From WanMil wmgcnfg at web.de on Fri Jan 24 19:49:29 GMT 2014

Hi Lambertus, hi Thorsten,

that would be great if you can install such a service!

Attached you find a simple bash script to create the bounds file. I must 
admit that I couldn't test it because I have only a Windows PC. But I am 
sure you find the message in it :-)

I think the -Xmx8g can be a little bit lower if that matters for you. If 
you need a much lower value the planet need to be split. Just let me 
know. I can send you some poly files with an appropriate split.

Regarding the sea files: I can post a similar shell script within the 
next days. But that's also not a big trick:
* Install mkgmap including the extra jar files (the ones in lib/optional)
* Download the new data (land polygons) from openstreetmapdata.com
* Unzip the file
* java -cp mkgmap.jar:<extra libs> 
uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.sea.optional.PrecompSeaGenerator land_polygons.shp 
WGS84 sea
* Zip the new directory sea containing the new sea files.

Please post a link if you have installed your service so that we can 
link to it.


> Hi WanMil, all,
> 'My' servers have enough memory, cpu cycles, storage and bandwidth to
> host these files. Can you email me with some details, e.g. the shell
> scripts you're using?
> Lambertus
> On 24-01-14 10:45, WanMil wrote:
>> I think we can add such a link.
>> Anyhow is there anybody who has some server capacity and is able to
>> update the bounds and sea files regularly?
>> For the bounds you need:
>> A planet file (o5m format requires around 33GB)
>> The osmfilter/osmupdate/osmconvert toolchain
>> mkgmap
>> Additional download of 50-60MB / day to update the planet file
>> Around 8GB main memory (less is possible but requires some more steps
>> - I am using 3GB and therefore have to split the planet file into 3
>> regions)
>> Some CPU power
>> For the sea files you need:
>> Download of 350GB per update
>> Some CPU power
>> I can help to create a tool chain which creates these files.
>> WanMil
>>> Is it not better to put the boundary and sea files on
>>> http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/download/mkgmap.html (at least a link)?
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-------------- next part --------------


YESTERDAY=`date -d "yesterday" +%Y%m%d`
TODAY=`date +%Y%m%d`

# update the planet
${O5MTOOLSDIR}/osmupdate -v --day --drop-author --keep-tempfiles ${PLANETDIR}/${YESTERDAY}/planet.o5m ${PLANETDIR}/${TODAY}/planet.o5m

# extract the bounds data from the planet
${O5MTOOLSDIR}/osmfilter ${PLANETDIR}/${TODAY}/planet.osm.o5m --keep-nodes= --keep-ways-relations="boundary=administrative =postal_code postal_code=" --drop-tags="created_by= source= building= highway= maxspeed= surface= oneway= note= natural= lit=" -o=${PLANETDIR}/${TODAY}/bounds_data.o5m

# compile the mkgmap bounds files
java -Xmx8g -cp ${MKGMAPDIR}/mkgmap.jar:${MKGMAPLIBS} uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.boundary.BoundaryPreprocessor ${PLANETDIR}/${TODAY}/bounds_data.o5m ${PLANETDIR}/${TODAY}/bounds

# someone asked for a timestamp within the bounds.zip file 
# so pipe the current date to file named version.txt
echo ${TODAY} > ${PLANETDIR}/${TODAY}/bounds/version.txt

# zip the files 
zip bounds_${TODAY}.zip bounds 

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