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[mkgmap-dev] RoadMerger and adjust-turn-headings

From Gerd Petermann gpetermann_muenchen at hotmail.com on Thu Feb 20 09:49:49 GMT 2014

Hi WanMil,

I think the code for --adjust-turn-headings in  RouteNode.tweezeArcs()
looks rather similar to that in RoadMerger, and maybe 
will not work as well in combination with RoadMerger 
as it assumes that two arcs with the same
road (OSM id) are building the "main road":

            // the code tries to detect a pair of arcs (the "incoming"
            // arc and the "outgoing" arc) that are the "main road"
            // and the remaining arc (called the "other" arc) which is
            // the "side road" 

I got the impression that RoadMerger also calculates the 
required data (angles etc).
It would be great if RoadMerger could store the information
somewhere so that tweezeArcs could use it.


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