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[mkgmap-dev] Create different Maps with working routing betweenthem - is it possible?

From Walter Schlögl Walter.Schloegl-Resch at aon.at on Thu Jan 21 18:16:52 GMT 2016

Hello Enrico,

yes, this is the expected behavior.

The img file has to be created in one single part, 
otherwise routing over the boarders is not possible.

At the moment I am looking for a solution for 2 very big parts,
which are in total bigger than 4 GB.

One idea is to splitt POIs, ways and areas into 3 layers
and generate every layer into one file.

I have not done it yes, but it could work.


From: Enrico Liboni 
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 5:08 PM
To: Development list for mkgmap 
Subject: [mkgmap-dev] Create different Maps with working routing betweenthem - is it possible?

Folks, if I download two countries pbf from geofabrik, merge them via osmosis and then build a single img map routing works fine across the countries. 

If I create two img files, one per country and put it on my garmin device, enable both maps, I can see  all the ways seems correctly linked but routing across the two countries (maps) fails.

Is that the expected behavior or am I doing somehting wrong?


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