[mkgmap-dev] Create different Maps with working routing betweenthem - is it possible?
From Bernd Weigelt weigelt.bernd at web.de on Fri Jan 22 15:08:19 GMT 2016
Am Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2016, 19:16:52 CET schrieb Walter Schlögl: > One idea is to splitt POIs, ways and areas into 3 layers > and generate every layer into one file. For routing you have to put POIs, ways and addresses in the same layer, but for this layer you use invisible lines for each routable type like [_line] Type=0x07 UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "0 c #FFFFFF" "1 c none" "11111111111111111111111111111111" [end] and for each POIs an invisble1x1 dot [_point] Type=0x03005 String1=0x02,Gemeindezentrum String2=0x04,Community centre ExtendedLabels=N dayxpm="1 1 2 1" colormode=16 "$ c #FFFFFF" "% c none" "%" [end] Then you can use transparent layers over this layer to display everything you want, if you use the nonroutable types. [_line] Type=0x11007 UseOrientation=Y String1=0x02,Zufahrtsweg String2=0x04,Service UseOrientation=Y ExtendedLabels=N UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=0 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "0 c #838383" Bernd
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