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[mkgmap-dev] Distinction between smooth paved/rough paved/unpaved streets

From Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com on Tue Jan 3 13:50:54 GMT 2017

As I understand it, the garmin format has only a single unpaved bit.  So
the mkgmap style basically has to map all surface types to either paved
(no tags) or unpaved (mkgmap:unpaved=1).

Another approach is to set speeds on roads that you wish to avoid, using
the speed as a weight.

I am curious what you actually want.  Assume an area with a 50 km/h
speed limit.  Then on a paved street one can go 50.  What speeds would
you set for cobblestone/sett and dirt so that the min-time route would
be the behavior you desire and why?    I am not trying to give you a
hard time - I have been thinking about how to make routes that people
want for a long time, but not done much about it and this is another
interesting case.

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