[mkgmap-dev] Parallel major roads to cycleways
From Gerd Petermann GPetermann_muenchen at hotmail.com on Fri Mar 17 14:48:56 GMT 2017
Hi Jakob, I am also one of those who create their GPX files with other (online) programs, but I've still not found one which I can configure so that my route preferences are met, so I hope that I can improve the routing in Basecamp/Mapsource. I use the routing on device only for small distances, e.g. when I am searching for a supermarket, restaurant etc. while I follow a GPX track. Gerd ________________________________________ Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces at lists.mkgmap.org.uk> im Auftrag von Jakob Mühldorfer <mail at jmuehldorfer.de> Gesendet: Freitag, 17. März 2017 13:49:13 An: mkgmap-dev at lists.mkgmap.org.uk Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Parallel major roads to cycleways Hopefully this does not dampen your enthusiasm. I like the idea, but I think that this is a lot of effort with little application The first reason is that Garmin devices are just terrible at bike routing, every single cyclist I know just use it for navigating a GPX that came from a online routing service like cycle.travel or BRouter, or routes from other people. The second reason is that even the bikers who route on the device might like these ways. Separated cycle ways along major roads are not dangerous, just loud, and often paved and in very good condition. So would it be nice to have the option? Yes Would many people really use it? I doubt it. Am 16.03.2017 um 11:06 schrieb Gerd Petermann: Hi, I just want to share an idea which might be interesting for cycling maps: In Germany and probably also Austria) many major roads have a parallel cycleway close to it, often only separated by a patch of grass or natural=tree_row. Example: A way with bicycle=designated : http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/243499929 runs next to highway=primary B213 http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/328470949 I think nearly no cyclist likes to use those ways -- they are just a bit safer but still lots of cars are running with 100 km/h next to you -- so I think it would be good to have a way to separate them from other ways where no major road is close. A possible way would be this: Simiar to the new ResidentialHook which sets the mkgmap:residential tag we might implement a hook which collects major roads and calculates an area around it (maybe 20m on both sides). Each way (maybe only those with highway=* ) could be checked against those areas in a way that a rule could decide to "dislike" a way which is mostly within such an area when the map is for cyclists. I guess bridges and tunnels (or more generally the layer tag) needs special handling here. Questions: 1) Do you think this would good to have? 2) If yes, what kind of information would be needed in the style? Gerd _______________________________________________ mkgmap-dev mailing list mkgmap-dev at lists.mkgmap.org.uk<mailto:mkgmap-dev at lists.mkgmap.org.uk> http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/mkgmap-dev
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