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[mkgmap-dev] address search and the --lower-case option

From Gerd Petermann GPetermann_muenchen at hotmail.com on Thu Apr 27 11:01:52 BST 2017

Hi Andrzej,

I am now downloading the TopoD2012 map, I already looked at the other two.
The solution in Transalpin2012Pro seems to be this:
Store the names in upper case, but keep ß as is. So Hauptstraße ist stored as HAUPTSTRAßE.
Mapsource and Basecamp show Hauptstraße , but my Oregon shows HAUPTSTRAßE when search for "Ha".
This would not be that bad, but it looks ugly when searching for "W" and the list shows
Means, it converts those names to mixed case where it doesn't find the ß.
Search for "Hauptstraß" doesn't work, so this is no solution.

In TopoD2012 names are also converted to upper case, but Hauptstraße ist stored as HAUPTSTRASSE.
The device shows it as Hauptstrasse and the search for "Hauptstraß" shows Hauptstrasse (as expected), as well as the search for "Hauptstrass"
So, this is what mkgmap produces without the --lower-case option. It is not nice because it doesn't show the ß, but it works.

I did not yet see a Garmin map which stores labels in mixed case, at least not with formats that allow to browse the names.
So, for now, I think the option --lower-case is simply not a good idea for maps of Germany.


Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces at lists.mkgmap.org.uk> im Auftrag von Andrzej Popowski <popej at poczta.onet.pl>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. April 2017 11:21:38
An: mkgmap-dev at lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] address search and the --lower-case option

Hi Gerd,

could it be, that labels contain all characters including "ß" while
index contain only upper-case and expanded versions? This would make
searching easier, GPS would have to convert input name using SRT when
searching but can display proper name in results. Interesting is, that
SRT subfile can be added to a tile and to index.

I don't like idea of 2 different sorts for lower- and upper-case. There
are 2 different cp1252 in Garmin maps, but as far as i know the second
version (not compatible with some old devices) expands "ae" and some

If you'd like to look at some Garmin maps, there are demo version still
available for download:

Best regards,
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mkgmap-dev at lists.mkgmap.org.uk

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