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[mkgmap-dev] BuildDEMFile

From Frank Stinner Frank.Stinner at kabelmail.de on Wed Nov 8 19:02:26 GMT 2017


there is a new version (8.11.2017), https://github.com/FSofTlpz/Garmin-DEM-Build/blob/master/BuildDEMFile/bin/BuildDEMFile.exe.
This version should be assume less memory.
Reading HGT's should be faster.
It seems, --lastcolstd isn't more necessary (?).
By the way, the programm runs also with linux mint 18.2 and mono.

Main options:

-d, --dem=arg         name of DEM-file, (e.g. 70210001.DEM)
--hgtpath=arg         directory for HGT's (zipped or not)
--tre=arg             name of TRE-file (e.g. 70210001.TRE)
-o, --dlon=arg        distance between DEM-Point (multiple usage for more zoomlevels)
--usedummydata=arg    use 'without-value' (0x8000), if one or more HGT's not present
--lastcolstd=arg      last subtile column has ever a width of 64 (need a little bit more memory on disk)
-O, --overwrite=arg   overwrite existing destination files or not
-f, --foot=arg        DEM data in foot or meter


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