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[mkgmap-dev] confusing test results

From Gerd Petermann GPetermann_muenchen at hotmail.com on Wed Jan 17 16:13:31 GMT 2018

Hi all,

it seems that I am doing something wrong with my tests reg. Andrzejs dem-align-2.patch.
I really tried hard to double check all steps, but now I see again other results compared to 
early afternoon :O
Now I see again movement in DEM with all offsets, only an aligned tile looks good.
Please, can someone else verify these results?
In case you cannot patch or compile please use this binary:

I see this movement when I don't use --dem-dists or set it to 9942 (no further values).
split-file (areas.list) for aligned tile:
29000000: 2291022,918087 to 2297546,946049
split-file (areas.list) for unaligned tile:
29000000: 2291022,918097 to 2297534,946049

In the meantime I'll see how I can change splitter to align data to hgt raster....


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