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[mkgmap-dev] Some observations

From Andrzej Popowski popej at poczta.onet.pl on Mon May 30 23:23:26 BST 2022

Hi Ticker!

 > I don't get a crash

Maybe there are other factors? I'm using AMD Ryzen, Windows 10, OpejJDK 
18.0.1 (just have updated, 17.02 worked the same). I can create a set 
which cause crash, if you are interested. Right, it should be 
mkgmap:option:test, but I get a crash in both cases.

 > The "test" part of a rule must contain at least 1 "positive" limiting
 > clause, as per the style-manual paragraph already mentioned.

So "tag existing" or "positive" means, that "test" have to include at 
least one check/condition equivalent to "tag=value" (including "tag=*")?

If I only use single check, then I have to use "tag=value" and nothing 
else. It is OK, only not the common situation in programming.

 > The full "else" test also require positive limiting and this can only
 > come from the "elseCond". Attempting:
 > if (someTag=*) then
 > else
 >  () {actionIfNotSet}
 > end
 > won't fool the rule processor and you'll get the "Invalid rule, unable
 > to index" error.

It doesn't work, but this works:

if (mkgmap:option:test=true) then else
	highway=* {...}

while these don't work (but should?):

if (mkgmap:option:test!=true) then
	highway=* {...}

if (!(mkgmap:option:test=true)) then
	highway=* {...}

Best regards,

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