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[mkgmap-dev] building=house without addr:housenumber

From Joris Bo jorisbo at hotmail.com on Mon Jun 3 09:50:47 BST 2024

Hi Gerd

I don't know if this is exact the same, but I think I do use the is_in fuction in de points-file to not display a poi. So then it should also be possible to do show a poi

tourism = viewpoint & man_made != tower & is_in(man_made,tower, in) = false  {name '${name} - ${description}' | '${name}'} [0x2803 resolution 24]

Kind regards,

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces at lists.mkgmap.org.uk> Namens Gerd Petermann
Verzonden: zondag 2 juni 2024 07:17
Aan: mkgmap-dev at lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Onderwerp: [mkgmap-dev] building=house without addr:housenumber

Hi all,

for OSM mapping purposes I like to have the possibility to add a poi for each residential (house,apartments,farm,...) building polygon that 
- doesn't have a addr:housenumber=* tag AND
- doesn't contain a node with addr:housenumber=* AND 
- doesn't have a node on the outline (part of the way) with addr:housenumber=* 

I want to render a POI with a text like "Hnr ?" so that, when I cycle near such a building, I can decide whether I try to find out the house number.

I think there is currently no way to do this with mkgmap since we don't have something like a "contains" style function. 
I can't remember if we even thought about this when the is_in function was added?

My current work around is to use JOSM as a preprocessor but that works only for small maps.


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